My general interests/hobbies are dancing (I LOVE to dance!! Wanna go???), rubber stamps, playing poker with my buds, and politics.
I love to sleep outside in the summer and watch the shooting stars. Waking to the sunrise and its hues of pinks and golds is glorious. Watching the sunset behind mountains and over water is the perfect end to the day. Laughing with friends IS the perfect day.
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My favorite bands/music:
~Mindless Self Indulgence,
~My Chemical Romance,
~Barbra Streisand,
~Backstreet Boys (before they became a group for old ladies),
~Joan Jett,
~Good Charlotte (the early stuff),
~School Yard Heros (but only live),
~Shelley and the Curves (to dance to),
This is MSI. I love this video!
I saw OK Go on the Colbert Report and thought this video was amazing! How can I try this at the gym?
I'm not really a movie nut, though I enjoy seeing them once in a while. I fail Trivial Pursuit in this category. I tend to like live theater better. My all time favorite movie is Wizard of Oz. A close second is The Sound of Music. (I really like musicals) Other movies favorites are V for Vendetta (--if you haven't seen this one--go! now! it's worth it!), the Harry Potter movies, Stomp, Men in Black.
I go through phases. Sometimes I can't stand TV at all. Sometimes it's practically all I do. I just got out of a 'all I do' phase. My faves were 24, Big Love, 4400, So you Think You can Dance. I thought Grey's Anatomy, Ugly, Betty, and Desperate Housewives were cute. Back in the late 90s I could NOT MISS an episode of X Files. Wow! what a good show!
I've read and read all my life since age 3 or 4. My favorite author is Gene Stratton Porter and my favorite book by her is Her Father's Daughter. J.K.Rowling is amazing in how well she writes the Harry Potter books. They're not just fun to read stories, but the writing is amazing also. When my kids were younger, we started with me reading the books outloud. The aliteration was almost like tongue twisters and it made the books FUN to read outloud also!
and ??
I didn't even think that was possible!?
But Yes! It is! Unfortunately, both are unattainable.
My heros are my friends...each for a different reason.
~Brian for his reasoning/spatial ability and Wendy for her organization and 'get it done' attitude.
~Scott for his pragmatism.
~Forrest for his caring; Diane for her quiet fortitude.
~Becky and Pat for staying by me all these years through thick and thin, also I love the way they make me laugh!
~Tina and Sarah Jane for taking me as I am.
~Ben for making me feel young again.
~Azure for her brilliance and helping me through a rough patch.
~Amber for her stubborness and social skills.
WISHESWhen you wish upon a falling star, your dreams can come true. Unless it's really a meteorite hurtling to the Earth which will destroy all life. Then you're pretty much hosed no matter what you wish for. Unless it's death by meteor.
What type of weather are you?
You are rain. Misunderstood. No - You arnt gloomy! You're romantic and loving and help the little flowers grow
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