Parenting. Politics. Punk Rock. Kicking your ass in Backgammon. Honestly, though, too many for this lifetime. I've never been bored.
already did :)
Love it, play it, couldn't live without it.Sometimes, I play tenor sax on tour with Citizen Fish.Bands, come to Albuquerque!!!
Documentaries. And Pee Wee Herman's Big Adventure.
For the last 9 years, we had a little 13" TV/VCR combo unit. We finally threw the damn thing out. And we don't miss it at all.
Love them! My first one just came out! Title = My Mother Wears Combat Boots. AK Press published it in November 2007. It's a 330-page dream come true. Check out my book blog too ...
Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz. Lucy Parsons. Emma Goldman. Phoolan Devi. Elizabeth Gurley Flynn. Margaret Sanger. Jenny Brown. Jane Alpert. Joan Jett. Ina May Gaskin. Molly Bannaky.