Jessica profile picture


Getting ready to play at the Knitting Factory in LA. November 2006.

About Me

Maya-Rae Montana was born at home (underwater!) on February 24, 2006, delivered by Daddy 'Nesto with love and help from midwives Debbie and Adriana. Big sissy Emma-Joy declined the invite to cut the cord but loves loves loves her.According to the "What Type of Instrument are You?" Quiz, I am a saxophone: "You are loud, fun and outgoing."

My Interests

Parenting. Politics. Punk Rock. Kicking your ass in Backgammon. Honestly, though, too many for this lifetime. I've never been bored.

I'd like to meet:

already did :)


Love it, play it, couldn't live without it.Sometimes, I play tenor sax on tour with Citizen Fish.Bands, come to Albuquerque!!!


Documentaries. And Pee Wee Herman's Big Adventure.


For the last 9 years, we had a little 13" TV/VCR combo unit. We finally threw the damn thing out. And we don't miss it at all.


Love them! My first one just came out! Title = My Mother Wears Combat Boots. AK Press published it in November 2007. It's a 330-page dream come true. Check out my book blog too ...


Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz. Lucy Parsons. Emma Goldman. Phoolan Devi. Elizabeth Gurley Flynn. Margaret Sanger. Jenny Brown. Jane Alpert. Joan Jett. Ina May Gaskin. Molly Bannaky.