Engine Orchestra/Bullet For Lunch/Nerd Party Records-Amusingly, the press notes accompanying Engine Orchestras debut full-length, Bullet For Lunch, make the trio sound as though its by some stroke of unforeseen luck that the listener even holds the disc in hand: In a steadfast tradition of doing everything wrong, Engine Orchestra have decided to cast away the feel good, party hard, dress well mentality plaguing the current musical landscape. ... Engine Orchestra are keeping alive the tradition of making ugly music for ugly folks.I dont know if Id call it ugly theres a sort of harsh beauty in the unrelenting wall of sound put out by guitarist/vocalist Garret Balch, drummer Ross Lewis and bassist Jeremy McCullough. Brutal and unflinching, epic tracks like I Needed Clouds and Psalm Pilot slam out of the speakers like falling timber, crushing you under the weight of sheer emotion.Laid down on tape by mix master extraordinaire Carl Amburn at Mousetrap Studios in Norman, Bullet For Lunch is a meal designed to be consumed more than once and if anything, will leave you hungry for much, much more.Preston Jones - Oklahoma Gazette