A woman with a vagina. People that watch Jag, Walker Texas Ranger or Real World/Road Rules Challenge....so I can beat them to death. I'd like to meet Carrot Top. Have you seen him with his shirt off? RIPPED I would like to meet the cast of Full House. John Stamos in particular. I would really like to meet DRAGONFORCE. I would like to meet Patrick Swayze but only if it were on the set of Dirty Dancing right after he and Jennifer Grey did the water/lift/dance thing ...........and Sarah Vowell Clea DuVall Rachel Ray
I hate music. I dont want to listen to your dumb ass band. You knowing people in bands doesnt impress me. I dont care what band of the momment you pretend to like...
Don't send a lame Starring You! eCard . Try JibJab Sendables !Obscure indie movies that will make you think im artsy. Shazzam,Blue Chips,Steel,Gummo,Kids,Julian Donkey Boy,all ...of the living dead movies, The Gate,Head of the family,Basket Case 2 and 3,28 days later,bleeders,troll 1 and 2,ghollies 1 and 2,critters 1-4,sling blade,chairman of the board,lotr,home alone 1 and 2,raising arizona,big lebowski,blood simple,hudsucker proxy,the man who wasnt there,oh brother where art thou,evil dead trilogy,dead alive,sixteen candles,weird science,breakfast club,short circuit 1 and 2,boyz in the hood,kill bill vol 1 and 2,
Full house, family matters, the kinife guy on qvc, MR SHOW,24
Anything i can color in. Vonnegut(slaughter house 5),William s. Burroughs(naked lunch),Stephen King (the dark tower),jeff noon(verdt),piers anthony(incantations series),robert jordan (the wheel of time),LOTR trilogy,S.E Hinton (the outsiders) ,Of Mice and Men, Bradbury, a brave new world, lullaby any book that points out how sad pathetic and disposable the entire human population is (including myself)
Dan RyanDavid Cross