My World Visitor Map!
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My World Visitor Map!
Myspace Layouts by
I like hanging out with my wife & watching horror movies, chilling with my dog, reading, swimming, fishing, seeing live bands and dj's, throwing darts & drinking beer.Besides music, which is a constant interest, there's usually one ortwo subjects I immerse myself in. When it feels good, I'll throwsometing else into the mix. These subjects are all pretty cool tome:
lucid dreaming, astral projection... Are you dreaming rightnow?
psychoactives: Those days are pretty much over for me, there's just
too much to do. I do still love reading about them and all kinds ofmind expansion.
rocks and crystals
metaphysical subjects;
divination; runes, tarot, geomancy, dowsing.
anything that deals with time travel/other realms/dimensions.
Woodworking and building things.
Things underground/sumerged fascinate me too: Egyptian tombs, theTitanic, Pompeii. I'm always on the lookout for books, movies etc.on these subjects.
Hollow earth theory is something new to me, basically it proposesthat worlds exist within this planet, with their own atmosphere,starting under about 500 miles of crust. A few variations of thisexist. Why not?
How about:
Random hot chicks selling ringtones, shitty bands, rappers, adult content viewer viruses, floods of ads for gigs at least 2,000 miles away, other spammers: I really want to hear from YOU!
Good bands/musicians, DJ's, producers... especially in the Savannaharea. Go ahead and share your stuff. If you're playing out, let meknow about it! Oh yeah, if you perform or promote standup comedy inthe area I want to see that too.
Savannah area people: most people I've met here are pretty friendlyand cool, this is a nice town.
I don't fit into 'scenes'. In that regard, "marginal man" woulddescribe me pretty well these days. If you've got some similarinterests, feel free to chat with me about music/movierecommendations or whatever.
AIM is Tekstep77
Music has been a lifelong love of mine. Being a middle child, I wasraised with the huge advantage of older siblings and a youngerbrother to send new stuff my way. Punk rock changed my life at anearly age; the old SST bands at first. Black Flag, Minutemen,Husker Du, Descendents... Bands like the Misfits (with danzig), Suicidal Tendencies,Circle Jerks, D.R.I., Minor Threat and Fugazi, Ultraman, also bandslike the Replacements, old Soul Asylum, Uncle Tupelo,
whatever I could rig the radio antenna to bring through my speakersvia college and public radio.
Oi!/Street punk/whatever you want to call it was extremelyinfluential during those formative years. Basically the whole crosssection of British and American oi/punk/rac/etc from the 70'sthrough the 90's.
The garage and trash and surf and old and rockabilly and __addsubgenre here__ sides of rock are all favorites of mine.
Bands like the Sonics, MC5, Velvets, the Saints, Stooges, Ramonesand others paved the way for so many bands, many of which add to agreat tradition. In other cases, its like a photocopy of aphotocopy over and over again. Something like the 'newspeak'dictionary in '1984,' which gets smaller and more vague with eachyear........just like my attention span right now. There's lots of reggae,blues, jazz, old style country, celtic folk, percussion, classicaland much more I dig but will have to go into another time.
Electronic music is another favorite. mostly jungle/dnb, but I like most of it. The downtempo/dubstep side of things, breakcore, deep groovy house, electro, breaks, turntablism, some hip hop.
A growing number of hardworking musicians in
savannah, including: GAM, Superhorse, Hall monitor,
Blackwurm, Trainwrecks, Whiskey Dick, Port City Music, more...
...Subculture/Gang life...
The Warriors,
Lords of Flatbush,
Romper Stomper,
Suburbia, (on the musical side check out American Hardcore and Another State of Mind),
Repo Man,
Rude Boy,
Football Factory,
Clockwork Orange ---- though I recommend the book more.
Lock Stock & Two Loaded Barrels
Blood in Blood out,
American Me,
Mean Machine,
Shawshank Redemption
Human Traffic,
High Fidelity,
Shaun of the Dead,
Dangerous Lives of Altar Boys
...Good for the young ones, too...
War of the Buttons,
The Labyrinth,
Dark Cystal,
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (Gene Wilder not Johnny Dep),
Clash of the Titans,
Spirited Away
Pan's Labyrinth
King Arthur
Rob Roy
Last of the MohicansSuspect Zero,
Taxi Driver,
Jacob's Ladder,
Skeleton Key
The Road Warrior,
Death Race 2000,
The Departed,
Boondock Saints,
Miller's Crossing,
Pulp Fiction,
Reservoir Dogs,
Usual Suspects,
The Saint
Blade Runner,
Minority Report,
End of Days,
Dark City,
Donnie Darko,
The Thirteenth Floor,
Lathe of Heaven,
Altered States,
Star Wars series,
Alien series,
Total Recall,
Running Man,
They Live,
Bubba Ho Tep,
Pootie Tang,
Half Baked,
Dazed & Confused,
Fast Times at Ridgemont High,
Animal House,
Cheech & Chong's Up in Smoke,
Princess Bride,
Blues Brothers,
Blazing Saddles,
History of the World Part 1,
Monty Python and the Holy Grail,
Monty Python's Life of Brian,
Top Secret,
Naked Gun,
There's Something about Mary,
Chasing Amy,
This is Spinal Tap,
Wonder Boys,
Harlem Nights,
Trading Places,
Butch Cassidy & the Sundance Kid,
Good morning, Vietnam
That's enough for now...
lately, more home improvement & building related stuff.
also how its made, modern marvels, underground cities, various discovery / history channel programs
twilight zone, cheesy on demand horror stuff, etc.
Cannery Row by John Steinbeck is really good. Or anything by him really. Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut.
Carlos Casteneda, George Orwell, Dean Koontz,
DIY Fanzines have always been entertaining and inspired me to write my own stuff at different times.There's plenty more, but not enough fiction lately which is a shame. Building and the Great Work is great, but all work and no play...