Building shitty cars with even shittier people. Eating meat. Drinking Beer and Jack. Kicking puppies. Fighting. I also enjoy making fun of the handicapped, vegans, white kids who think they are black, jap crap with 3 foot spoilers, idiots who wear cowboy hats and think they are "cow punks", anybody with a mohawk or even worse a fauxhawk, emo queers, metrosexual fags, fashion victims, people who think they are artists, hipsters, Politically Correct assholes, people who care about the enviroment, liberal pussys and homosexuals....George Bush is a fucking liberal douche.
Somebody who can build websites and would be interested in trade. Anybody interested Call number above or email. WE HAVE NEW 2007 CLOTHING CATALOGS AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST! JUST SEND US A EMAIL IF YOU ARE A RETAILER!
NIGGAS WIT ATTITUDE. Thunderfist. ZEKE. Antiseen. MOTORHEAD. HANK III. Superjoint Ritual. Speedealer. Johnny Cash. Hank Sr. Genocide SS. Johnny Paycheck. Nashville Pussy. Nine Pound Hammer. Slayer. Entombed. Agent Orange. Agnostic Front. Hammerlock. David Allan Coe. Cocknoose. Disfear. Artimus Pyledriver. Johnny Rebel. Pig Destroyer. Vomit. Black Flag. FEAR. Full Blown Chaos. Turbonegro. The Bronx. Hellacopters. Misfits. Deadbolt. Midnight Evils. Suicidal Tendencies. Puffball. Throwrag. The Hunns. Smut Peddlers. The Spades.
Speed Channel, Fishing Channel, Hunting Channel, Black Entertainment Television, CMT
Under and Alone, Atlas Shrugged, Liberalism is a Mental Disorder
have always been cowboys