I enjoy Hi-Speed Motorcycling with my Posse AKA California Posse MC
"Any reason to Twist the Throttle is a Good Reason!" Drinking Coffee and Hacking Computers is also a Favorite
I enjoy Hi-Speed Motorcycling with my Posse AKA California Posse MC
"Any reason to Twist the Throttle is a Good Reason!" Drinking Coffee and Hacking Computers is also a Favorite
Motorcycling, Bicycling, Road Trips, Collecting Itunes, Drinking Coffee, Shopping, Computer Geek Stuff, Drinking More Coffee, Herpetoculture, Dumpster Diving, Robots, Metrophilia, Stone Skipping, Getting Lost, Shooting Things, GPS Drawing, Geocaching, Searching for the Perfect Cuppa Coffee, Lasers, Woodworking, Chemical Experiments, 3D Computer Graphics, Animation, Computer games, Trying New Restaurants, Modding, Hardware Hacking, Taking over the World, Sailing, People Watching, Currency bill tracking, Meeting People, Driving Really Really Fast and Furious, Hacking DVD’s, Sorting my Sock Drawer, Drinking Espresso, Giving Aid to the Homeless
Myself 30 Years Ago & Myself 30 Years From Now.
Jazz, Blues, Punk, House, Rock, R&B, Dirty South, Classical, Speed Metal, Stripping Music
Scary, Funny, Action, Indie, Adventure, Thrillers, Comedy & Sometimes Chick Flicks... Does Porn Count?
I dont believe in Television... Does it really exist?
Really Heady Stuff and DC Comics... Thunder Press Count?
Spawn, Spiderman, Superman, The Hulk and Whoever Invented Coffee and Pole Dancing.