Big Sweaty Dâ„¢ profile picture

Big Sweaty Dâ„¢

I'm probaly hacking your computer as you read this.

About Me

I enjoy Hi-Speed Motorcycling with my Posse AKA California Posse MC

"Any reason to Twist the Throttle is a Good Reason!" Drinking Coffee and Hacking Computers is also a Favorite

My Interests

Motorcycling, Bicycling, Road Trips, Collecting Itunes, Drinking Coffee, Shopping, Computer Geek Stuff, Drinking More Coffee, Herpetoculture, Dumpster Diving, Robots, Metrophilia, Stone Skipping, Getting Lost, Shooting Things, GPS Drawing, Geocaching, Searching for the Perfect Cuppa Coffee, Lasers, Woodworking, Chemical Experiments, 3D Computer Graphics, Animation, Computer games, Trying New Restaurants, Modding, Hardware Hacking, Taking over the World, Sailing, People Watching, Currency bill tracking, Meeting People, Driving Really Really Fast and Furious, Hacking DVD’s, Sorting my Sock Drawer, Drinking Espresso, Giving Aid to the Homeless

I'd like to meet:

Myself 30 Years Ago & Myself 30 Years From Now.


Jazz, Blues, Punk, House, Rock, R&B, Dirty South, Classical, Speed Metal, Stripping Music


Scary, Funny, Action, Indie, Adventure, Thrillers, Comedy & Sometimes Chick Flicks... Does Porn Count?


I dont believe in Television... Does it really exist?


Really Heady Stuff and DC Comics... Thunder Press Count?


Spawn, Spiderman, Superman, The Hulk and Whoever Invented Coffee and Pole Dancing.

My Blog

In the beginning...

I was raised in the San Francisco Bay Area and have been riding motorcycles for well over 31 years.  I started with mini bikes when I was 11, not being allowed to have one I kept mine hidden...
Posted by Big Sweaty D" on Wed, 21 Mar 2007 09:16:00 PST

1500 Miles in 31 Hours

1500 Miles in 31 Hours... First off I don't recommend this ride to anyone!  But I'd do it again. It all started with a question, and the answer was if we do it in 36 hours we qualify for an Iron ...
Posted by Big Sweaty D" on Mon, 30 Apr 2007 01:08:00 PST

You Know You've Had Too Much Coffee When...

You Know You've Had Too Much Coffee When...1. Juan Valdez named his donkey after you. 2. You grind your coffee beans in your mouth. 3. The only time you're standing still is during an earthquake. 4. Y...
Posted by Big Sweaty D" on Fri, 22 Jun 2007 09:50:00 PST

Whale Watching and Old SacTown

Whale Watching Run Ok this was a last minute decision and short notice was given, but dam it was a great ride. We met up at 8:45am at the Bay Bridge Toll Plaza Parking Lot.   Melissa, Jonny ...
Posted by Big Sweaty D" on Mon, 21 May 2007 02:26:00 PST

Frog Jump Run

12 hour ride to go to a Frog jumping event in Calaveras County.  Serious Business. So I left at 2:00am from Oakland because that's a pretty happing time in these parts for headed off into the dar...
Posted by Big Sweaty D" on Sun, 20 May 2007 07:58:00 PST