Daphne Rosen profile picture

Daphne Rosen

Daphne Rosen's HOT, new hair color!!!

About Me

Hi all, I'm Daphne Rosen, adult model (THOUGH I"M ON AN ALMOST ONE-YEAR BREAK TO FOCUS ON SCHOOL, BUSINESS AND MY UPCOMING WEBSITE-be back this summer). I was born in Tel Aviv, Israel and grew up in Boston, Ma. I founded CoOlDiGgY/RosenXXX as a marketing/production company and coming very soon, I am relaunching in ways you wouldn't believe. I also have a new look that I am sure you've been enjoying. I live in Los Angeles now. I graduated from Amherst College and attend grad school on a part-time basis.

Stats: perfect hourglass-41 (34G!!!)-24-41 5'3
Hair: Black Eyes: Blue
Birthday: June 9, 1982
Age when boobs got big: 11

My Interests

I am interested in (censored) and I love it up the (censored), I'm always down for (FCC fine) with some (FCC double fine) mixed in. But what really interests me is (FCC is at my door about to arrest me) with a poodle.

I'd like to meet:

Jon Stewart to convince him to run in 2008. Rush Limbaugh to save him from the dark side. Janeanne Garofalo, Lisa Loeb and Jill Carroll for a lesbian 4-way. Ricky from the film "Barbershop" (that requires no explanation), Green Arrow (he can poke me with anything he wants). And especially Stan Lee.


Rhymefest, Kanye West, Dixie Chicks, John Mayer, Coldplay, classic Grandmaster Flash, Kelly Clarkson (screw you, you know you like her, too) and dead prez.


"Star Wars eps-2,3,4 and 5"(registered trademark of Lucasfilm and we all owe him $5 just for saying "Star Wars"), interracial porn, Crash, I wish I could quit "Brokeback Mountain" jokes, anything playing at the Sunset 5 or Encino Town Center, Extreme Asia movement and Israeli indies.


Sopranos (best show ever), Simpsons (2nd best show ever), The Shield (love bald men), The Unit (Dennis Haysbert fan club president), 24, Prisonbreak (though that show needs more anal, prison rape), Wild n' Out, Battlestar Gallactica (Apollo, marry me, I'm not a cylon anymore), X-Play (Morgan Webb, yum), Smallville, Daily Show, PBS NOW (I'm a geek) and The Office (Dwight was based on me).


Afeni Shakur biography by Jasmine Guy, What Liberal Media by Eric Alterman and Freakanomics.


Lillith from the Midrash because she knew what she liked sexually and bitch-ass Adam couldn't handle that so he asked for that weak-willed duche Eve. Deborah from the Nevi'im, a real-life Xena.

My Blog

World of Warcraft

So, I have become an addict. The fact that I am breaking away to even write this message is a pure test of will. No, I am only kidding, I wish I could have the time to play more but I would love to se...
Posted by Daphne on Tue, 23 Jan 2007 01:21:00 PST

draw me contest

So I am starting a contest. I am writing a comic book and I am looking for an artist. If you want to be my artist please submit either here or at my e-mail address [email protected] show...
Posted by Daphne on Sun, 23 Jul 2006 12:04:00 PST

Does this make me a geek?

This morning I went to my comic book store and the owner asked me why I was not in yesterday (I was working). Then on the way home I stopped by the local gaming store to pick up a new computer game as...
Posted by Daphne on Thu, 20 Jul 2006 11:27:00 PST

Save the internet for me?

On June 9th,  the House passed a bill that would DESTROY the internet the way we know it. Click here. It now goes to the Senate. This is the LAST CHANCE to do something because if the Senate pass...
Posted by Daphne on Thu, 20 Jul 2006 08:00:00 PST

Blogging it

So I decided the best way to comunicate would be with the blog. If you NEED to talk to me about something not related to the blog comment or to offer me work send me an e-mail [email protected] O...
Posted by Daphne on Tue, 18 Jul 2006 07:10:00 PST