Mr. James Brown - R.I.P
..I am a big movie buff!!!...I actually keep track of the movies that I have seen...But, although the list is too vast to write down...My movie interests are in independent films, historical documentaries, indie documentaries, and social and cultural documentaries...Action and suspense films (horror not a favorite), romance and drama...I do have an appreciation for foreign film, but, British dramas and mysteries would be at the top of my list for foreign film.
..I have been a reader all of my life and I have always had that thirst for acquiring more and more knowledge...My quest for knowledge of my Black history and awareness is ongoing continually and is a center focus in much of my reading...But, I also read in many other areas including, of course, The Holy Bible, a big poetry fan (Langston Hughes is the favorite), internet/web enhancements/computer technology, crime drama, British dramas and mysteries, non-fiction, fiction, and yes, even the Harry Potter series!!!...The List goes on and on and that is why I really didn't make a long list of book titles.
My Heavenly Father, My parents and family, and all of the Black ancestors who came before me...It is they who made it possible for me to be where I am today.
"Never forget where you came from, who you are...for only with that knowledge may you discover all the glorious things you will become."