I believe in God, the Father almighty,
creator of heaven and earth,
I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord,
I believe in love and that the world needs more of it,
I believe in happiness and the struggle attain it,
I believe in passion and that a life without it is incomplete,
I believe in beauty and that it can be found in all things,
I believe in art and that it is alive and full of power,
I believe in words and the energy they possess,
I believe in music and that one can fall in love with it,
I believe in paint, I believe in pain, I believe in picnics,
I believe in dancing in the street,
I believe in laughter,
I believe in smiling, I believe in savoring the sun,
I believe in the breathing in the ocean and sleeping on the beach,
I believe in cloud watching,
I believe in star gazing,
I believe in riding bikes and public transportation, I believe in thrift stores,
I believe in vinyl, I believe in the beauty of a hip hop beat,
I believe in fake pearls, fake leather and fake furs,
I believe that germs are everywhere,
I also believe in hand sanitizer,
I believe in picking flowers, I believe in silly dances,
I believe in singing whenever I feel like it wherever I am,
I believe in showing affection, I believe in showing emotion,
I believe in looking into the eyes of the one you love for as long as you can,
I believe in staring contests, tickle fights & making ugly faces,
I believe it's OK to cry when passing a slaughterhouse and a field of cows,
I believe in the importance of empathy,
I believe in lending a helping hand,
I believe in cliches, I believe in humanity, I believe in life,
I believe there's power in an education,
I believe in saying 'I love you' when you mean it,
I believe in listening to jazz all day while painting,
I believe in eating and eating a lot,
I believe in that favorite little restaurant on the corner,
and going there instead of TGI Friday's or Olive Garden,
I believe in tiny book shops, revolution, and poetry readings,
I believe in friendly cafes and daily cups of coffee,
I believe in relaxing with a mug of hot tea every night & a book instead of a tv show,
I believe in recycling, I believe in cuddling, I believe in natural highs,
I believe in working and working hard, I believe in sharing,
I believe that money is evil, I still believe in the hustle,
I believe in always doing what's right,
I believe in karma, I believe in fate,
I believe in ability to make change,
I believe in saving change & using piggy banks (especially pink ones),
I believe in miracles,
I believe in fairy tales,
I believe in waltzing around alone in my room with an imaginary Prince Charming,
I believe I've met the real Prince Charming,
I believe that silky sheets and silky pajamas can make one feel like a princess,
I believe that I really am a princess, I believe in tea parties,
I believe in good friends (like Rachel), I believe in family & putting them first, I believe in the power of just believing,
& I believe in me.