I been known to be the center of talk and discussion on many occasions..does that make me popular...ive been known to be there for people in their time of need...does that make me a good person...ive had hate in my soul and destruction in my mind..does that make me a terrorist...ive felt passion, love, deceit, anger, happiness, emptiness and confusion..does that make me human? im just a man that is tryin to complete his time here on this earth as the lord allows me to..making friends along the way that can enjoy the ups and be there for the downs..i have nothing more to give than who i am and if you are someone that i call a loved one then know that ill be there for you to my last breath..i dance because im happy i dance be cause im sad..its my way of expressing myself without saying a word..i wish i could never speak again and let everyone know who i am by my dancing because that is when its pure and that is when its uninhibited ..who am i im just another friend brotha teacher student..im me and thats ill ill ever be....so ask yourself...are you really YOU...or are you who you think you want to be??