Tom profile picture



About Me

I think my life has been a pretty interesting journey - sometimes because I've made it that way. I try to live so that I never regret missing out on life itself. When it comes down to it, I define myself as a sincere and good person - and am passionate and loyal to the important commitments I make. I'm an East Coast native (minus any accent), but I love being here in LA (that's right, I absolutely love it here). I have a successful career that I find exciting and motivating, but there is definitely more to life than a good job. I am grateful to have a close family and an amazing network of friends. I have a gazillion acquaintances but only a handful of people that I hold near and dear to my heart. I enjoy working out, going out with friends (dinner, parties, live music), going to movies, trying new things, learning new things, traveling, and sometimes just relaxing.

My Interests

Meeting new people, playing videogames (don't laugh, it's part of my job), spending money (can shop for hours), traveling to new places, working out, cooking, going to the movies, art museums, watching sports (everything except baseball), cheering for my Redskins, working on my truck, checking out new restaurants, trying new wines, gourmet foods, giving massages, good conversation, spending time with family, hanging out with my peeps and of course, having a good time wherever I'm at.


I'd like to meet:

Some real, cool people in this fake ass town we live in. People say that "nice" girls do exist in LA, I just gotta find me one of them. And please, leave your baggage at the door.


I Nine, Gorillaz, Snow Patrol, Radiohead, Foo Fighters, Marvin Gaye, Filter, Dave Matthews, Goo Goo Dolls, The Killers, Kanye West, Beastie Boys, Jay-Z, Outkast, Green Day, Keane, Yellowcard, Angels and Airwaves, Foo Fighters, STP, Eagles, Journey, Led Zep, Bowie, Coldplay, David Gray, Gypsy Kings, MuteMath, No Doubt, Deep Dish. As you can see, I like everything. Country, not so much. :)..


Very eclectic taste in movies - I like pretty much everything. Eastern Promises, Sunshine, 300, Hot Fuzz, Blood Diamond, Casino Royale (this movie freaking rocks!) Superman Returns, Borat, Batman Begins, The Girl Next Door, Dumb and Dumber, Office Space, The Matrix movies, Braveheart, Somewhere in Time, Napoleon Dynamite, Kill Bill 1 &2, The Shining, Spy Game, Swingers, Moulin Rouge, LOTR movies, High Fidelity, Stripes, There's Something About Mary, Serendipity, Black Hawk Down, Saving Private Ryan, Notting Hill, Gladiator, Say Anything, Cinderella Man, Crash, the Harry Potter movies, Finding Nemo, The Incredibles, Finding Neverland, Alien, Aliens, Predator, Rounders, Layer and Snatch. I'm sure there is more, but that's all I can think of at the moment.


Heroes, Gossip Girl (don't laugh, I love it), Dirty Sexy Money, Bionic Woman, Eureka, Pushing Daisies, Desperate Housewives, Lost, Prison Break, 24, The Shield, Dexter, Entourage, Supernatural, Project Runway, Las Vegas and Nip/Tuck. TiVo freaking rocks...


Um...not too much of a reader. I really like magazines. :) Currently subscribe to Vanity Fair, The Week, Wired and GQ