The Bubble Blowin' Granny profile picture

The Bubble Blowin' Granny

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About Me

Bubblegum. Oh what a wonderful thing!
You know, I’m one lucky lady. Why? Because millions of children worldwide (both young ones and kids at heart) love bubblegum. And I’m the greatest at perhaps the most bizarre bubblegum thing possible.
I hold the Guinness World Record for blowing the largest bubblegum bubble from my nose!
I created the record with an 11 inch bubble, then later shattered it with a gigantic 16 incher on "Ripley's Believe It Or Not" And as of the time this was written I'm the only person to ever hold the record. Breaking a world record is a fabulous accomplishment. But to create it, break it and be the only to ever hold it, that's the stuff legends are made of. WOW!
Holding the world record for blowing a bubble from the nose makes for great and fun times. People love you and can't get enough of talking about it. Oh sure, some may disapprove. But hey, it's bubblegum, and that's part of what it's all about too. In fact, I love it when people disapprove, because I think that's a big part of why kids love it so much! I think bubblegum is the greatest food ever, and I do one of the greatest things that can be done with it. It doesn’t get much better than that!
Bubble gum has been good to me. I hold the world record, but I'm not stopping there. I have some BIG plans. I appeared with Chewsy Suzy (Susan Mont“GUM”ery Williams, who holds the Guinness World Record for the Largest Bubblegum Bubble, see her on my “top friends” list) on MTV’s nationally televised “Call To Greatness” filmed at world famous Bubblegum Alley and here’s a hint: we just may make more noise! So make sure to add me, make a comment, tell your friends to come and visit, and return from time to time. Bubblegum is BIG fun, and after I'm through with it, I think it will be a lot funner!

My Interests




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Guest book.

My Dear Friend's, I Would Be Honored If You Would Sign My Guest Book.   Thank You And God bless! The Bubble Gum Granny.
Posted by The Bubble Blowin' Granny on Mon, 04 Aug 2008 12:00:00 PST