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Services Set.

On Wednesday bubblegum bubble legend Susan Montgomery Williams died. Services have been set in Fresno, California as follows:
Locations: Salvation Army Chapel and Wildrose Funeral Home at the 1914 Fulton Street, Fresno, California (Downtown Fresno at the corner of Fulton and Divisadero.
Times: Oct. 7, 6 P.M.-9 P.M. (Salvation Army Chapel) and
Oct. 8, 11:00 A.M. (Wildrose Funeral Home).
A message was recieved from her daughter Bonnie with the following request:
FRESNO, CA 93705
MY PHONE IS: 243-1312 OR 709-9108

Chewsy Suzy,
Bubblegum World Record Holder

Susan Montgomery Williams turned childhood passion into worldwide legend with her love of the quintessential American product, bubblegum.
Ms. Williams, 48, died Oct. 1 due to a massive stroke.
As a young girl in Fresno, she became fascinated with blowing bubblegum bubbles. While this of course was frowned on by a good number of teachers, she told the story of one who, seeing her talent, encouraged her further. Little did anyone realize at the time exactly what that bit of encouragement would finally mean.
She began experimenting with bubble blowing, and eventually discovered that while she was blowing good size bubbles, they were limited because they would pop on her nose and her chin. For Susan, that just wouldn’t do. She needed a better solution so she began experimenting. She learned that she could touch a bubble without popping it. Then she found it she could begin a bubble by holding it with her fingers, and holding it away from her nose and chin. And that’s all it took. Susan had just discovered the secret that would later become known as “The Chewsy Suzy Cinch” and launch the legend of Chewsy Suzy, bubblegum’s all-time greatest bubble blower.
The bubbles got bigger and word of this girl spread. Soon her bubbles got so big that people started telling her she should go for the record. Finally such a clamor arose, that in 1979 the people of Fresno took up a collection and gathered enough money to send her to a big bubble blowing competition in Florida. As she told the story, when the promoter of the event saw her coming, he told her that if she wanted to compete she would have to wait till the very end, because he had heard about her and her big bubbles, and was afraid that if she blew too early in the event she would probably scare away other competitors with the size of her bubbles. She agreed.
The promoter made a wise choice. Susan proceeded to blow a 19 ¼ inch bubble and claimed the Guinness World Record for blowing the largest bubblegum bubble, a record that she said had been held by 5 other people.
Since then she has officially broken her record three other times, with 21, 22 and 23 inch bubbles, the latest being on the Regis and Kathy Lee Show in 1996.
She has appeared on many national TV Shows, such as Johnny Carson, Jay Leno, Crook and Chase, Chevy Chase, and many others. A classic bubblegum moment occurred on the Johnny Carson show, when she said “my name even has “GUM” in it. Mont“GUM”ery!” And the name stuck like bubblegum on the bottom of a shoe. Susan Mont“GUM”ery Williams. This girl was born to chew bubblegum.
But her bubblegum accomplishments go far beyond merely blowing record size bubbles. She has created or played a major part in creating GUMBGONE, the GUMpete-O-meter, The BOMB Squad, the BUBBLEGUM WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP, much of it done through her company, The Chewsy SUZY GUMpany.
Susan’s motto was “29 years and still looking for some GUMpetition,” one that had to be updated with each passing year. While the GUMpetition (one of her favorite words, and one she invented) never materialized and she continues to hold her record at the time of her death and beyond, it has lead to one of her crowning achievements.
In the fashion of the true legend, one who “goes out on top,” Susan helped to create along with her group, The Blowers Of Mega Bubbles, The BOMB Squad, which includes Joyce Samuels, The Guinness World Record Holder for blowing the largest bubblegum bubble from the nose, The BUBBLEGUM WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP, which was began on 8-08-08, as a tribute to the 80th birthday of bubblegum
This contest came from a desire to do something positive for the bubblegum blowing world. To create opportunities for others to experience the sweet taste of bubblegum bubble blowing fame and success. To give something back to a worldwide community that have looked up to and loved her for all of her adult life. It was ironic that the day she died was the day all entrants in the contest were sent to the judges to be voted on so that the very first world champion of the BWC could be named.
In what may be the ultimate tribute, Smithsonian Magazine ran an eight page article about bubblegum in 1990. In that article was a picture of Susan blowing one of her world record bubbles, alongside a picture of Walter Deimer, the inventor of bubblegum. The creator of bubblegum and the greatest user of it side by side, in the magazine of American history. If there ever was a two-picture history of bubblegum, that was it.
Bubblegum is all about having fun, and this carried over into Susan’s life outside of bubblegum. You could always tell the people she came into contact with by the smile on their face and the laugh in their voice. Susan was a natural born comedian, and if you were to come in contact with her you knew you were in for a good time.


To the world you were known as the greatest bubblegum bubble blower to ever live. And to the bubblegum blowing world you gave so much. Inspiration. Determination. Innovation. Opportunity. An unbelievable life story. And an incredibly positive example.
Because of you (or contributions you made) we not only have the legend of your vast bubble blowing accomplishments, but also the Chewsy Suzy Cinch, The GUMpete-O-Meter, GUMBGONE, and The BOMB Squad. But what may be your crowning achievement, in a career where you held the Guinness World Record for almost 30 years, was your involvement in forming the BUBBLEGUM WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP. They say that when people become successful, they should "remember where they came from" and "give back." You've done that. You've helped provide the bubblegum blowing world an opportunity to taste some of the sweet fame and glory that you have experienced in a way no one else has ever done.
They say a true legend leaves while he or she is on top. When you first burst on the scene you were the Guinness World Record Holder. As you leave us you remain not only the Guinness World Record Holder, having never lost the title, but as one who accomplished great things right up to the end. In fact, the day you left us was the day entrants went to the judges so they could name the first champion of the BUBBLEGUM WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP.
Those of us who got to know you were lucky. You, Susan Mont"GUM"ery Williams, always told us you even had "GUM" in your name. But your middle name should have been "FUN" because that's what we could count on having whenever we were around you. With you, providing laughter was a way of life.
You did a lot of spectacular things in your life, but maybe the biggest one was this. You're presence made the world a little softer. A little kinder. A little better place to be. How can anyone do better than that?
When you get to Bubblegum Heaven, let 'em know that's the way we think of you here.
Goodbye, oh creator of much of bubblegum history, until the day we meet again!
Oh, to hear the sweet sound of just one more "patented"

Note to the
Bubblegum Bubble Blowing World:

While Chewsy Suzy is gone, her spirit lives on.
Rest assured that every effort will be made to carry on the legacy of Chewsy Suzy and her goal of creating the future of bubblegum!


Here's an article from 1990 that gives some indication of the real Chewsy Suzy.
While this is a great article, it's even greater when you factor in what wasn't mentioned in it. Like the fact that it was a Rock And Roll concert, and a loud one at that. Disturbing the peace of rock and roll performers? That's vintage Chewsy Suzy.
Also the fact that this whole episode lead to her story being told on a show dealing with America's most outrageous court cases, and another national TV show, which took her to a sound studio to have the decibel level of her popping measured. The technician on it said it was "between 135-140 decibels." To compare, Guinness has a world record for screaming, at 128 decibels.
You can talk about Susan for quite awhile and barely scratch the surface!In celebration of Bubblegum's 80th birthday comes


Have you ever dreamed of sports glory? Well, myself and the other BOMB Squad Heroes have done something to help you achieve exactly that.
We've developed a bubblegum blowing contest that can allow almost anyone anywhere the chance to win the WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP of bubblegum!
This is your chance to raise your finger to the sky and proclaim "I'M #1!"
If you love to blow bubbles, don't miss this!
Check it out at BUBBLEGUM HEAVEN! .
If you love big bubblegum bubbles, check out our organization, The BOMB Squad, The World's Greatest Bubblegum Bubble Blowers, and don't forget to ask for an add!


BOMB Squad Headquarters

The Bomb Squad Headquarters
I'm Susan Mont"GUM"ery Williams, Guinness World Record Holder for blowing the World's Largest Bubblegum Bubble. But you might know me as Chewsy Suzy.
That's right. I blew a bubble 23 inches on National TV. And I haven't broken the record just once, but four different times!
Perhaps you've seen me on Johnny Carson, Jay Leno, Regis and Kathy Lee, Crook and Chase, Chevy Chase, Guinness World Record shows, Japanese National TV, and who knows what all else. Maybe you saw me on MTV's "Call To Greatness" filmed at world famous "Bubblegum Alley," where they mentioned that while I was there I blew a 24 inch bubble. I appeared there with fellow Guinness World Record Holder and BOMB Squad Hero The Bubblegum Blowin' Granny, Joyce Samuels, who holds the record for blowing the largest bubblegum bubble from the nose. Maybe you saw me on shows such as Hard Copy, where my gum popping was so loud I was arrested for disturbing the peace of a Rock and Roll concert, of all things! Maybe you saw me in (obviously well-respected) Smithsonian Magazine, with my picture right next to the inventor of bubblegum. If ever there was a two-picture history of bubble gum, that was it!
Wait a minute. Did you say you haven't seen me in action? Well, ha ha! Just click the link in the "Television" box over there to the left and watch me blow a really big bubble.
I've made it to the top of the bubblegum world. My next goal is to create the future of bubblegum. Bookmark my myspace page and visit my webpage, and just watch where the bubblegum world goes from here!
"27 Years and STILL Looking for some "GUM"petition!"

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Everyone who's interested in bubble gum, of course. If you like to blow big bubbles, if you like to pop it loud, if you're in bubblegum manufacturing or sales, if you're a fellow world record holder like I am, if you'd like to make some bubblegum-related publicity, or if you're a business person/investor looking for what could be the most exciting proposition of your life, send me a message!

Let's get together and create the future of bubblegum!

My Blog

PRESS RELEASES! Here’s my latest!

Take a look at Chewsy Suzy's latest press releases! (Sept, 2007) Bubble Gum Blowing Legend Starts Own Company
Posted by on Tue, 18 Sep 2007 20:18:00 GMT

Chewsy Suzy makes more noise-Bubble Popping!

Blowing world record bubbles isn't the only great thing I do with bubblegum. Popping bubbles loud is a pretty fun thing to do, and boy can I ever do that! One time I went to a rock and roll concert. ...
Posted by on Sat, 25 Aug 2007 13:08:00 GMT

Did you know bubblegum is the Worlds Greatest Food? Find out why!

Huh? Bubblegum is a food?Yes, it definately is classified as a food. And while some may argue that it's not the world's greatest, they would have quite an argument to make for anything else.They could...
Posted by on Sat, 28 Jul 2007 09:15:00 GMT

Check out this fabulous poem about my World Record bubble! :)

ChewsySuzy's Humungous BubbleSuzy blew a bubbleat elementary school one dayin the month of Aprilbut it was probably May."You cut that out now" her teacher saidand wasn't too amused"But i...
Posted by on Sat, 28 Jul 2007 09:07:00 GMT