Guitar, movies, music, creativity, eating, sleeping, visiting cities, cigars, inside jokes, the internet, deep conversations, pancakes, 24 hour diners, MarioKart 64, making up words that I accidentally slurred together, life-long dreams, fantasizing about shit, acceptance, willingness, sunflower seeds, laughing, being with my friends, use of cinematography to establish moods and themes, warm weather, being random, honest and open people, making money, reading autobiographies, hearing about others struggles in life, swearing, being tan when I can, serenity, creativity, being emotional, playing drums, making new friends, having things in common with people, seafood, chinese food, trust, my cat, nostalgia, happy endings
Musical pioneers....
Death Metal, Black Metal, Hardcore, Indie, Drum'n'Bass, House, Electronic, shit that slams.
I love movies but there's to many to list.
Autobiographies. I don't read much but the last two books I read were 'Scar Tissue' by Anthony Kiedis and 'Wouldn't It Be Nice' by Brian Wilson and they were both amazingly hopeful and inspirational books.
Anyone one whose words or actions have moved me.