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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

My photography is my obsession... view some of my pics from my travels in my pic section. ================================== I would describe myself perhaps as an ineffably fiendish oaf and a debased, cold-hearted putrid waste of flesh. Unconscionably narcissistic slattern and a vacuous, urine-reeking proof that test tube experiments can go horribly wrong. Ineffably indecent wretch. Wearisome, sheep-molesting spawn of a whore and a thousand maniacs. Im also indescribably insufferable degenerate and a reprehensible, small-minded perfidious provincial phillistine. I am conspicuously debauched moron, wearisome...buttock-rimming mutilation of decency. An indescribably dissolute peon... debauched, blood-freezing piece of excrement attached to a dog's posterior. Piteously ignominious simpleton and a preposterous heart-sickening shameless exhibition of genetic deficiency. Indescribably execrable idiot... belligerent...foul-smelling mass of neuroses and pathologies. And finally a monstrously uncouth twit demented to the bone...halitosis-infested object of execration.Sometimes our lives don't even amount to the juice squeezed from an old whore's soiled Tampon. If there was a God, as far as some people are concerned i should sodomise myself with an electric cattle prod, with the voltage set to "Kill" and juggle pin-less grenades while riding a wild boar through a minefield. I am a victim of mis-prescribed medication... that or far too much sugar hahweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee hmmm *shrug* scare you off much? get to know me and perhaps you will get to know the real me. I would move the heavens and the stars in the sky for the ones i love.LIVEJOURNAL: http://www.livejournal.com/userinfo.bml?user=zoidx

My Interests

depeche mode, 50's fashion, and one, androgyny, tears for fears , DEPECHE MODE!! talk talk, INXS, thompson twins, roxette, howard jones, nick kershaw, berlin, roxette, flock of seagulls, ah-ha, berlin, gary numan, BILLY FUCKING IDOL YO!! peter gabriel, Spandau Ballet, robert palmer, simple minds, angelina jolie, anna sui, apoptygma berzerk, art, artificial intelligence, astroboy, b-grade horror, bad taste, big boots, big hair, boobies, new order, boots, bruce campbell, buckles, burlesque, candy, chrome, cleavage, clubbing, cooking, corsetry, corsets, costume design, covenant, cuddling, duran duran, curvy girls, cyberculture, dancing, darkwave, dawn of the dead, day of the dead, design, digital art, digital photography, donnie darko, duran duran , edward scissorhands, elegance, erotic photography, excercising, eyebrows, eyeliner, fake eyebrows, fake hair, fashion, fetish fashion and photography, forensics, fucking, futurama, germany, gir, girls in uniform, girly girls, glamour, glitter, guinevere turner, h.r. giger, HAIR SPRAY, history im a history channel freak, WWII, science GEEEEEK!! mostly about physica, space ...horror, horror movies, invader zim, someone with intelligence, japan, japanese culture, jean paul gautier, johnny depp, katana, kittens, lightning, love, makeup, marlene deitrich, martial arts, melotron, napoleon, pale skin, photography, photoshop, pills, pin-up girls, pink, pinstripes, pinup art, pinuptoons, plastic, prince, pvc, retro/vintage fashion, rock 'n' roll fashion, sex, simpsons, skin two, skinny puppy, smooching, spanking, spiderman, synthpop, teased hair, thierry mugler, tim burton, true crime, vintage pinups, vivienne westwood, vixens, whips, wolfsheim, writing, xpq-21, zombies, zoolander.... im gonu stop at this point

I'd like to meet:

Good fun people


depeche mode, and one, tears for fears , DEPECHE MODE!! talk talk, INXS, thompson twins, roxette, howard jones, nick kershaw, berlin, roxette, flock of seagulls, ah-ha, berlin, gary numan, BILLY FUCKING IDOL YO!! peter gabriel, Spandau Ballet, robert palmer, simple minds, angelina jolie, apoptygma berzerk, new order, wolfsheim, cutting crew, mr mister, johnny hates jazz, martika, belinda carlisle, phyil collins, john waite, go west, OMD

My Blog

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interesting.. i have no idea still how to use this lol Right now..im sick as a dog..thats what happens when i go to a Club.. i get filthy sick for a month GAH! Im so bored... must find me someth...
Posted by Jason on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST