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Felicia Hardy

Abnormal... It's as close to normal as I'll get.

About Me

Felicia Hardy

There's nothing really that special about me.... I'm just another person who is trying to stay alive and occasionally have a little fun. Anyway, the story of my life is pretty much like anyone else's... I've been lied to, cheated, screwed over, and ever other little thing. I'm sure you know. However, that's all history.

I went to ESU and yeah... crazy stuff happened. What kind of stuff? You really don't want to know... Would I change what happened? No... it's what made me what I am today. So yeah.... thanks Ryan. Okay, maybe there was one thing I would have changed... the car would have never gotten to him first. God, enough of this... it makes me feel like I'm being some sort of annoying drama queen.

Getting back on track... I was daddy's little girl and maybe mommy just didn't like that or maybe she just didn't like me. I'm not about to open up about this kind of Sigmon Freud stuff. To make it simple I'll just say that whatever I did for mommy dearest was never good enough. Oh and she told me my father was dead which was a "little white lie." I don't know if my mother was trying to protect me from him or what since my father was a cat burglar. I guess she dreamed of her husband working in some stuff little office. Once I found out about his real job I decided to follow in his footsteps.

My father was a wonderful man and told me to never settle for second best... He helped me perfect my cat burglar skills. It was great because I was learning from a true master. However, one day he was caught but I just couldn't let him rot in jail. I had to set him free or rather The Black Cat had to perform that task. The day I looked to get dad out was the beginning of something so amazing yet sooo... painful. It was the night that I met someone who came up with the world's lamest jokes but had a heart of gold. Wow, that really does sound corny ... but I don't care.

Felicia Hardy on Myspace

The mask may only be part of who we are.....However, it's still a part of us...

My Interests

Well, I have a ton of interests... For instance, what girl doesn't enjoy getting her nails done? Manicures are a must for this kitty.

Playing cowgirl. (I told you his jokes were lame...)

And there's my respone to the joke... Do not ask me why I love him.

Fighting annoying jerks... It's fun to put them in their place.

Sleeping because every girl needs her beauty sleep.

I'd like to meet:



I only have two heroes in my life. The first one is my father... I'll admit it may sound sappy but I have a feeling he's been watching over me. If he wasn't then my 9 lives would have already been gone. As for my other hero... he knows who he is.
My costume's wired to boost my strength and I'm sure you already now about my infamous gloves.... Metal mesh rigged with sensors so that whenever I flex a certain way... Watch out. Is that hot or what? Oh and don't forget my grappling hooks. I can't swing around the city without them.

I also have special contact lenses... Not for reading. Heh, I have 20/20 but I do use them to see spectra that the unaided eye can't. Naturally, they also allow me to see in the dark.
*As a reminder, nothing stays the same. The technological world is always coming up with something new thus allowing me to update my equipment. Besides, a girl does have to keep informed about the latest trends in crime fighting accessories. Oh and there's always the freak accident that could turn me into Super Cat or bring back my "bad luck" powers. You never know with me.

I know what you're thinking... lack of superpowers but come on. Some of those super heroes lack a brain. Besides, I've got a number of natural talents. For starters, I'm a master thief. I can pick any lock and break into any secured facility. Hey, I learned from a master. I'm also a skilled martial artist because cheer leading just wasn't for me. I have a black belt in both judo and karate. To top if off I'm a high level gymnast... Yes, very flexible.

My Blog

The First Of Many... Journal Entries

I don't even know how the hell I'm going to fit this dumb project in with all the other things that I've got going on in my life... I know, what a way to start off your very first "real" journal entr...
Posted by Felicia Hardy on Wed, 22 Nov 2006 11:39:00 PST

Being Protected?

So I've tangoed with a few nut jobs and have almost ... gotten killed. I have nine lives and it's not like it hasn't happened to Spider or even Superman before. People really do worry too much about ...
Posted by Felicia Hardy on Wed, 22 Nov 2006 04:49:00 PST

Calling All you Bad Boys!

Okay, so I had a little talk with Peter and Ben... I basically had to beg those two into letting me do this... Ask for more bad guys. Geez, they can be so dull sometimes. Don't they realize that we...
Posted by Felicia Hardy on Sun, 19 Nov 2006 03:15:00 PST

Do NOT steal my pics! Don't cross this Cat.

Here's a warning for everyone out there...   You steal my freakin' pics and you'll be in for a world of hurt. I hate to sound like a mean old kitty cat but guess what... I actually scanned my pi...
Posted by Felicia Hardy on Fri, 25 Aug 2006 10:33:00 PST

Villain Auditions

That's right... Peter, Ben, and I are in need of some serious bad guy action. What good are heroes without some bad guys to fight? Besides, everyone loves to hate villains. Anyway, if you think you c...
Posted by Felicia Hardy on Fri, 04 Aug 2006 09:41:00 PST