Greets True Believers!!
Spider-man coming at ya from atop the Chrysler Building here in New York City.
Thought I'd try this whole 'myspace' thing out. For those of you that don't
know me, I'm just your average geek who happens to moonlite as a
I'm probably the world authority of open wireless accesspoints here in the city and can just about find access anywhere I need it! I'm not the worlds richest guy so open (legal) access points allow me to hang with you all where ever I might be.
Looking forward to meeting everyone!
You can also look me up over at my humble stomping grounds: Spider-Man: The Weblog
Compliments Of Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man!!
I'm loving these pics that fans have sent in! A few weeks ago, I was having a slow day and decided to hang out with the great folks of New York. I should really do this more often. You all are such a fantastic bunch of folks and, me being me, I tend to forget to stop and smell the roses. You've heard the saying "all work and no play"? Yep- That would explain me to a 'T'! I really need to work on that... AnywayThanks for being fans! Gotta get back to work!!
TELL MACY'S YOU WANT SPIDEY BACK!! If you want to help bring The Webslinger back to the famous Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, the warm up those fingers and sign this petition To Bring Spidey Back!! Heck, Spidey fans are so generous that they'd even be happy with a float dedicated to Marvel Comics for the parade! I'd personally support that 100 percent! I'd love to have my fellow Supes join in on the fun!. If you like the idea, then by all means, help out and let's see what SPIDEY FANS can do to bring their favorite Webslinger back to the parade! Thanks Chris for rallying the troops! Spider-Man Fans never cease to amaze me! You all are AWESOME!!Keep On Slingin!!
"Echh...Can someone get this tard a napkin??"
Contact Box Generated from Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man!