www.aureliascheppers.com my nickname is railz um i love Kurt Cobain i wish he was still alive so i could makeout w/ him.this guy was supossed to get sushi for me and lisa on the set
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tennis, beach, sushi, working, ocean, PINKBERRY, music, green tea!, iced white chocalate mochas, rock concerts, sleeping, acting, partying, dancing in my room in my underwear with my roomate, u don't even know how much fun it is, going up the runyon, boxing, really spicy food, doing things i've never done b4
YOU!my OMP is model ID# 222856
my model mayhem is ID# 179227
email: [email protected]
i never watch tv but if i had to arrested development or entourage. recently got addicted 2 the "L" Word.
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