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77777777777777777777777777777777777I'm a part of the fellowship of the unashamed. The die has been cast. I have stepped over the line. The decision has been made. I'm a disciple of His and I won't look back, let up, slow down, back away, or be still.My past is redeemed. My present makes sense. My future is secure. I'm done and finished with low living, sight walking, small planning, smooth knees, colorless dreams, tamed visions, mundane talking, cheap living, and dwarfed goals.I no longer need preeminence, prosperity, position, promotions, plaudits, or popularity. I don't have to be right, or first, or tops, or recognized, or praised, or rewarded. I live by faith, lean on His presence, walk by patience, lift by prayer, and labor by Holy Spirit power.My pace is set. My gait is fast. My goal is Heaven. My road may be narrow, my way rough, my companions few, but my Guide is reliable and my mission is clear.I will not be bought, compromised, detoured, lured away, turned back, deluded or delayed.I will not flinch in the face of sacrifice or hesitate in the presence of the adversary. I will not negotiate at the table of the enemy, ponder at the pool of popularity, or meander in the maze of mediocrity.I won't give up, shut up, or let up until I have stayed up, stored up, prayed up, paid up, and preached up for the cause of Christ.I am a disciple of Jesus. I must give until I drop, preach until all know, and work until He comes. And when He does come for His own, He'll have no problems recognizing me. My colors will be clear! 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations." Jeremiah 1:5 7777777777777777777777777777777777777God is not wanting any to perish. For God, the Father, SO loved the Whole World, even you, that he gave his ONLY Son, so that who-so-ever believes on HIM-Jesus, will NOT perish, BUT would have everlasting LIFE. God the Father did not send his son into the world to condemn the world for his fun, BUT TO offer SALVATION to the whole world...Will you take this Living Jesus?? There is no grave. God wants you. he wants to help you in your life, to LIVE for HIM, the Creator.Why wait?? Every second is a chance to KNOW him.....Why not now????............HOW to KNOW JESUS:What if there is someone that knows all of your shortcomings, all of your failures, even the ones you have sadness or perhaps shame for??...And yet this person has love for you so great that they'd die for you?? There is someone, His name is Jesus Christ, and he wants to lead you in life. God the Father sent his only Son, Jesus Christ to come to our earth over 2000 years ago. He came and lived without sin- both in action and in thought- we could never do that, not even on our best day ever,, right? Only God is so good. Jesus came so you can have life. Here is how to know him... A Sample Sinner’s Prayer, pray TRUSTING What you can't YET see, meaning it,Get ready for a beautiful chnge inside- and burden will be lifted too.Ignore those thoughts of doubt, and procrastination- DO NOT put THIS off. WATCH, this is AMAZING!! HE IS REAL! God hears you & you will NEVER regret it !!!!!! Just be sincere, and see for yourself:" Dear Jesus, I know that I’m a sinner. I know that I’ ve tried to do it my way and I’m now ready to have You live Your life through me. Please forgive me once and for all for all my sins, past, present and future and come into my heart. Give me a new life. Fill me with your Holy Spirit. Father, I thank you that you sent your son Jesus to die in my place so that I can have Eternal life. I thank you for that life now.In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. " If you prayed this, from your heart, meaning it. Then you are SAVED. THe ANGELS in Heaven are rejoicing over you!!!!! Get a bible, find a church that loves Jesus Christ, teaches the Bible, and is FREE to worship-i.e. sing, clap- if you want- thank God...etc :) BeWARE of a church that has you dress up outwardly, but Doesnt really care for your hearts growth in God. God sees beyond styles & forms, suits & ties- he always sees the heart. Pray and ask God what your Spiritual Gifts, study your bible about this, for many churches will may not help you to find YOUR special gifts, but may try to teach that all have one certain gift. You are a part of the body of Christ now, pray & find out this special gifting/giftings you have. You get to use these for God, and you will feel special too, in that perfect purpose. Like I said, God doesnt see as man sees. Man may say wear a dress and a tie, but God sees what is in your heart, and he sees your motives. You are FREE in Christ, to do anything, BUT BE WARNED, not alllll things are wise- be holy, and watch God bless you...Share your new changed life, you may bring others to Christ- it is sooooo fun to see a changed life!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He will never leave you. Ask Jesus about different things and sittuations, if you like. He can reveal things- and it is amazing!!! He wants to teach you. Live 4 him. He died 4 you. And he lives, too. Any questions, feel free to email me. And, oh yeah- HE IS GOING TO COME BACK!!!!!!!! READ THAT BIBLE,MANNNN!!!! READ THE BIBLES BOOK OF MATTHEW-CHAPTER 24!! TOOOOOOO TRUE. OH YEAH, AND WHAT THE MAJORITY THINKS, IS USUALLY THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT GOD WOULD SAY...SO READ!! IT IS BETTER THAN GOLD!!! OH & ASK 4 WISDOM TOO!! HE SEES ALL THAT WE DO, SO KNOW THAT HE WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU- BUT IF YOU LIVE FOR YOUR SELF, YOU WILL LEAVE HIM = SADDNESS AND PAIN. BUT YOU'LL STILL KNOW HIM. BELIEVE ME, YOUR PLANS ARE NOT WISE, JESUS WANTS TO LEAD YOU, HE EVEN KNOWS WHO IS NOT WISE TO BE AROUND- CAUSE THEY GOT TRICKS UP THEIR SLEEVE 4 YOU...STAY BY HIM, AND DONT FEAR. PEACE IN HEART, AS YOU FOLLOW JESUS' LEAD. *******************************Help Spread the Gospel, along with my miracle testimony about God's Amazing Power TO SAVE MY SOUL! Too shy to witness? This is Just for you. AND FREE! Help FREE people from Spiritual Darkness, Be A Light for Christ. If you would like to print out a A single page flyer, to post in a public place (some ideas: (BRING TAPE OR PINS) bulletin board, Telephone Pole..) Thank You..( YOU CAN JUST PRINT A SIMPLE FLYER, OR DO BOTH PAGES ON THIS PAGE, YOU'LL SEE WHAT I MEAN ...GO TO MY WEB PAGE AT 77777777 COME TO ME ALL THAT ARE HEAVY BURDENED, AND NEED REST. AND I WILL GIVE YOU REST IN YOUR SOUL. GOD WANTS YOU- YOU WERE SPECIALLY MADE FOR HIM AND HIS FRIENDSHIP.DONT YOU WANT YOUR SPECIAL DESTINATION WITH THE GOD OF CREATION?? ITS OUTTA THIS WORLD. ....................................God wants 2 give WISDOM to tha simple & slow witted.... even to the quick, small, or large fitted... even to the tall, and the those stunted for hieght.... ..Even to the youth, or to the old with poor eye sight.......Even to those with much money in the bank..... ..Even to those in the ghetto, havin' Top Ramon-but but really wanna steak........Even to those in the finest clothes on the globe.... ..even to those who bearly have untorn clothes.......Even to those with eloquent speach in their tongue.... ....Even to those who are deaf & dumb.......Do you see what I am saying, when I tell you this... ...God wants to guide all who wanna be HIS kid.. **************************************** After you have come to this...
| View | Add Favorite A "Disciple"...hmmmm...BASICALLY, You can't be a student, if you don't come to class, mannnn!! Born Again Believer's, Jesus will not chase you down, to give you the lessons on how to do Kingdom Work, or miraculous things, IF you don't really take the time to listen to HIM, and HIS WORD. You can KNOWW Jesus, and then forsake your special calling, which is to learn how to work in your special god given super natural giftings, which are used all for the point and purpose of bringing more to God, and edifying believers....:)..LOVE GOD. LOVE WISDOMMM...LIVE! SOME MORE THINGS I LIKE: FATHER'S LOVE LETTER .. width="425" height="350" .. *************** JESUS IS GOING TO COME BACK, ARE YOU READY??? DO YOU LIVE 4 YOU, OR FOR GOD? YOU WERE MADE SPECIAL, AND YOU WERE MADE TO KNOW HIM, AND EVEN SERVE HIM...REAL LIFE IS IN THIS. WATCH THIS BELOW!!!!! READY?? .. width="425" height="350" ..***************** THIS IS A CLIP, BELOW, IS OF JOHN GRAY. WE LOVE HIM, TOO FUNNY, SO ANOINTED!! HE HAS A MESSAGE OF PURITY. EVEN IF YOU HAVE MESSED UP, IT SURE AINT TOOOO LATE, MAN...OR... LADY...TO GET BACK CLOSER TO GOD...AND GOD CAN STILL USE YOU. YOU STILL HAVE TIME....SEE, YOUR HERE. :) BE LOOSED OF THAT BONDAGE.PAULA WHITE SAID "KEEP YO PONTS ON, IN THA NAME OF JESUS!!!" YES, I SAID THAT-AND THAT, I KNOW IS THA TRUTH. THAT SIN, FOR SURE, BLOCKS WISDOM FROM HIM.GOD WILL ALLOW YOU MANY PROBLEMS AND CONSEQUENCES FOR THIS DONE OUT OF GOD WILL.GROW N GOD.GODS WAYS R WISEST. NOT 2 LATE.THIS IS FUNNY,WATCH THIS
Get this video and more at****JOHN GRAY'S SITE : WWW.MANNAGOD.COM **************************** Need Encouragement...Look watch this one, "perfect praise in tha mouth of a babes" cute
Get this video and more at ******************************** GOOD MESSAGES FROM A PREACHER ON THIS PAGE, LISTEN TO THEM @ ******************************** SIGNS OF THA TIMES!! JESUS IS GOING TO COME BACK SOON!!! KNOW HIM. :)WATCH!
Get this video and more at I AM WALKING WIT THA ONE WHO KNOWS THA BEGINNING TO THA END. I THANK JESUS FOR BEING WITH ME. HE WANTS U TOO. ********************************** In Loving Memory of my son Da'Shawn 7-15-1997 to 12-15-1997 GOD IS ALWAYS GOOD!!!! Luke 9:57-62 I can't stay at the funeral. i can't stay with death. there is LIFE to Give, through pointing others to Jesus. Others are dieing spiritually. I can't be selfish. "No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God." Cause we would be stuck on our desires, rather than HIS. Live for HIM, or for me. My child is WITH JESUS!!!!!Time to dance!! Time to give hope to others. Ecclesiastes 3:4 "..a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance.." JESUS IS ALWAYS GOOD. HAVE YOU DECIDED TO RECOGNIZE THIS?? Let's grow in God, and bring some with. I am holding my hand open, so that Jesus can give me whatever He wants to, and He can even take what He may need to...all to Jesus, I surrender, all to thee I freely give...even if it hurts...eyez on him, cause HE is MY only HOPE, even still" - I can feel like my eyez cried blood, and my heart ached so bad, you would thin it is a heart attack...Jesus never meant for death to be here. Satan is evil, Jesus is GOOD. My hand is open. And bitterness is not welcome into my heart, for i love Jesus tooooooo much. i am thankful for all things, because in all things, it allows me to relate to another. Can I help you though? Can I give you hope though?? Jesus gives peace, not as the world gives, but in my heart. AND I AM 100% WHOLE IN HIM, MY JESUS. I AM LACKING NOTHING, INSIDE. HE COMPLETES ME. JESUS IS LOVE. COME SEE A MAN.********************** STOMPIN' THA DEVIL, AS I LOVE TO WALK WITH GOD. COME ON, JESUS!! CAN YOU GET THESE DEMONS OUTTA HERE?? THEY LIKE TO GIVE DOUBT, THEY LIKE TO THROW ME OBSTICLES... LOL OHHH BUT WE ARE DETERMINED...LET'S GET MORE TO YOU. ***JESUS IS AMAZZZZZING!!!** DON'T LOOK AT OTHERS THAT SAY THEY KNOW HIM, AND MESS UP. HE WANTS TO HELP YOU NOT TO. HE CARES FOR YOU. LET NOTHING STOP YOU FROM A RELATIONSHIP WITH HIM. LET NO ONE STOP YOU, EITHER. DON'T STOP THA ROCK...JESUS ISSSS THA ROCK..COME TO HIM...LIFE IS IN HERE..COME TO HIM...PEACE IS HERE, NOT AS THE WORLD GIVES, BUT IN HEART, FULFILLING.***JESUS IS AMAZZZZZING!!!**Revelation 12:11 They won the victory over him because of the blood of the lamb and the word of their testimony. They didn't love their life so much that they refused to give it up. ***"***************** The Gospel, and even Salvation are free!! Find FREE CHRISTIAN EVENTS on www.../freechristianeventsSeeking to "Compel them to come in."—Luke 14:23Have any upcoming events, concerts, activites, classes...etc? Email me.******************** Some may say my FAITH IS STRONG. My faith in Jesus. But, I must say...FAITH is to trust what you can not see. Well, I don't need faith to know that Jesus is indeed ALIVE, and VERY REAL...FOR, I DIED AND MET JESUS. AND I am thankin' God that LIFE down here is NOT allll about what the whole world is tellin' you and IS FOR YOU TO KNOW THE ONE THAT REALLY LOVES YOU!!!!!! JESUS!!!!!! You need faith, trusting what YOU cant see. You need Jesus. When you seek him with your whole heart, honestly, knowing you are not perfect, and not trying to rashonalize it either, THEN HE WILL ANSWER YOU!! But Religion won't answer that call. And neither will any god that has never lived, and died and rose for you. They cant answer. Have FAITH/trusting what YOU can not see, JESUS, and ask him into your repentant heart, and then HE WILL answer. But he won't make you ask him into your heart. Please don't wait. HE IS REAL.