Hi! My name is Lukin and I'm the cutest Beagle that has ever existed. I was born in the boonies of Texas and adopted in College Station. Some of my nicknames are Handsome Pup, Luuuuuuukin, Little Chit, Prodogy, and Golden Child. My best friends are Sandy, Candy, Max, and Uncle Johnny.
Doggie quiz!!!
What's your name?? Lukin
What's your mommy/owners name? Mitch & Lisa
What breed are you? 100% Beagle
How much did you cost?? Couple hundred.. cuteness ain't cheap!
What's your facorite toy? I love anything that can squeak
Tap water ot bottled water? Don't matter
Do you always walk or are you always carried? I remember my first trip to Petco.. it was cold and they carried me in a beanie! Man I was small..
How many pounds will you weigh full grown? 30 maybe?
Do you wear clothes? No, that's for girls!
Long or short hair? Short
Indoor or outdoor? I love bein' outside!
Do you sleep with your mommy or in your own bed? My favorite place to sleep is between my mommy and daddy, under the covers of course!
Whats your fave color?
Do you like to go swimming? No really. They put me in the ocean and man was I pissed!
Are you fixed? Yup.. Guess they didn't wanna replicate 'dis.
What color are your eyes? Brown.
What color is your hair? Black and brown, w/ a lil white
Do you get groomed? I'd prefer not.. especially gettin' mah toenails clipped!
Are you potty trained? Yah, but we all have accidents
How much do you bark? I go "Buh-roooooooh!" like 50 times a day
Have you ever bit anyone? I bite Max when he gets more attention than me
Do you believe in interbreedal mating? Heck yah! You would too if you had a cute basset hound that lived next door!
Do you like the bath or hate it? I like mommy's baths because she uses warm water in the bathtub
Are you friendly with ther dogs or go you just attack? I chased some pit-bulls one day.. got me into some trouble!
Does your mommy/owner have a carring bag for you? I wouldn't tolerate AT!
Do you do any doggie sports?? Tug o' war
How cute are you from 1 to 10? A scale does not exist large enough to measure 'dis cuteness!
Look! I adopted a puppy too!!
adopt your own virtual pet!
This profile was edited with The CricketSoda Myspace Editor