Abstract reality - Music production - Abstract music production - Theoretical physics - Folklore - Scotland - Acoustics - Shooting - Custom made 45 automatics - shotguns - Glocks - Sweetened tea - Comfortable chairs - Marlboro lights - Scotch - Jack and coke - Glenlivet and Glenfiddich 12 year old single malt scotches - Zippos - Sucker Punch SALLY choppers - People that don't take any shit and don't mind to tell you - Mira Sorvino - Relaxing - Steven King movies - Writing music
An Immortal. An alternate universe me. A being composed entirely of blue energy. The number 3. Killer klowns from outer space. An android. A real life cartoon. Danny Trejo. Mira Sorvino. Mickey Rourke. Any Scotsman. Any Irishman.
smashing pumpkins - 7 seconds - hum - deftones - guano apes - soulfly - clan an drumma - kyuss - queens of the stone age - nashville pussy - sex pistols - ramones - foo fighters - hendrix - the cure - mozart - ministry - dead kennedys - mudhoney - nine inch nails - MOTORHEAD - Fudgetunnel - the distillers - the donnas - frank sinatra - ICP - twisted - down - black label society - megadeth - WASP
I love the b-horror flix like Killer Klowns from outer space and Night of the creeps. I also love the indie films like PI and Bartleby. Let's see... May, Ginger snaps, The Matrix rocked, Star Wars, all the normal stuff as well i suppose. I'm really into the more obscure movies and the indie films though. Anything with a complete phsycopathic freakin manic willing to sludge through death, hell, and the great beyond to rule the world. Anything with Peter Sellers or Harry Dean Stanton. ANYTHING with Mira Sorvino.
CSI mofo!
"How to talk dirty and influence people" by Lenny Bruce - "Running with scissors" by Augusten Burroughs - "A brief history of music production" various writers - "The God particle" can't remember - and a rather EXTENSIVE library of owners manuals for the plethora of new gizmos and gadgets I've been buying for the studio.
Harry Dean Stanton - Antonio Salieri - William Wallace - Mozart - Tom Selleck - Doc Holliday - Robert the Bruce - My brother Adam - Undywen the river Tweed - Danny Trejo - Micky Rourke - John Gotti - Ray Liotta