I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts!
....MUUUURRRAAAMMM aka female Murad... muahaha.. brrapp.............................Anyways, To all the people that keep asking about the new beats, they will be uploaded soon, i got a huge bunch of nice beats made and mixed on my home computer... which unfortunatley doesn't have a net connection so you guna have to wait until i get my connection set up or until i can be bothered to copy and paste them on to a removable disk and take em to somebody who has a net connection... which in all honesty i can't be bothered to do, so a tiny lil wait is in hand. Thank you all, and keep the requests comin, i got all of a yall dont worry. ............................................. ............................................................
..................................Me + sounds = beats.That's all there is.Yeah, so its that boy Illadelph on the boards always coming wit those productions. I got beats, beats and more beats. I've worked wit several artists in the past from allover the world, UK, US, Australia, Sweden among others. I'm always looking for new artists to work with, so if anybody in interest of beats, check out the soundclick on the left and holla at me so we can discuss details of contracts for non-exclusive, or exclusive rights and prices, which I'm, flexible wit since its all bout the luv and the music first, the soul first, dough comes after.
I've been producing for quite a while now, and I'm still as determined and hungry for this shit since when I first started. I got luv for this and I'm willing to work wit anybody who willing to put their heart into this. Aight, well enough of that, check out the music and holla wit a comment, a message or whatever. -One-