So what got me here? Life changing events, that's for sure, OOOh Yeah!
Had a valve job on the ticker 9 years ago, that changed my life beyond anything expected.
I've been stopped by security at the airport ( Bishop, in Flint MI ) because - at the time, a few years ago - it audibly 'ticked' and you can imagine what *that* causes!
Since then, actually starting a few years before that, I've given up virtually all of my 'bad' habits but one - Kools. One day at a time for sure.
Couple of years later ... Ya know how they talk bout "rare but serious side effects" when advertising cholestoral meds? Lipitor & the like, the 'statins' ... Well, I had it - Rhabdomyolysis - amounts to the bod was attempting to break down all its muscle tissue, effectively 'eating itself'. The kidneys were shut down, I was in the hospital for 3 weeks and then off work for the next whole month. For a time, until they got the sewers working again, the thought was that I'd have to do dialysis 2 or three times a week ... well, that didn't happen, thank God!
So, now, I plain just take it easy. Roll out and and beat the birds to the early wermz, go to work (in my jammies, cauzse I'm working from home!), do my thing, circle the wagons ... then do it again. On the weekends I cut the grass - or, depending on the season, shovel the non-existent MI snow - do the laundry and dishes (j/k, I usually do the dishes more than once a week - but laundry only when the basket overflows) and make sure the bills are paid every two weeks. Ain't life grand?
It's all about the music!
Performance issues arising from an extensive playlist have dictated that the flash player be changed to a single cut.
You're listening to Stomu Yamashta's "Go", from 1976 ...
(it takes a moment or three to get going, give it a chance)
For your listening pleasure ...
here's a link to the current playlist that will open in WinAmp, WMP or iTunes, depending on your system configuration.
clock by Private Pyro