Kustom cars, Beatniks, World Famous Beatnik's car club of Koolsville. Screamin Ink in association with Coors Light, the ONLY tattoo studio sponsored by Coors Light.
Screamin Ink Tattoo Studio
Butch Patrick "Eddie Munster" and Jodi
Jodi working the counter
Jim and Agent. Wassup nigga!
Jack the Myspace boss and Billy Monroe, owner of Screamin Ink @ Pub 46 for a Coors Light Ink Bar event
Jeremy sleeping and Billy workin
Screamin Ink party at the Loop Lounge
Ian working his magic
Agent working
Jeremy working
Jim working
Ian Shafer's award winning 1st place back piece from the 2006 NYC Tattoo Convention
Beatnik Von Franco
Billy in front of Jack's truck and Bonge's Olds at the Frisco Cow Palace 2007
Beatniks at the Frisco Cow Palace 2007
(left to right: Jack, Henry, James, Billy, Rick, Bonge, Brian & Von Franco
***2007 New York City Tattoo Convention***
Photos from the Hot Rod Gallery Reception Party featuring One of a Kind artwork by Bugs!
Bugs and Billy Monroe
Ian, Bugs, Billy, Tony, Valerie, Dj, Jeremy, Steve Bonge, (back row: Jim & Agent)
Agent, Tony (Tattoo Society), Billy Monroe, Ian
One of a Kind artwork by Bugs
One of a Kind artwork by Bugs
One of a Kind artwork by Bugs
One of a Kind artwork by Bugs
One of a Kind artwork by Bugs
Agent, Ian, Jeremy, Valerie, Dj, Jim, Les Barany, Bugs, Steve Bonge, Tony, Billy, Vinnie
Jodi and Billy Monroe