Christopher profile picture


The Owners Of Passionate Hearts, Keepers Of Boundless Souls, Should Never Be Taken For Granted...Do

About Me

"I got a pocket full of memories and a brain full of guilt. I can tell you I only write shit down when I believe it, so take this who you want but know I mean it."

" While you rhyme about being hardcore, why not be heartcore. What is it that you do art for? Why not rhyme about what you're feeling? Or not be felt, come on man, just deal with the cards you're dealt"

"Being a man, is being able to adapt to life’s problems, and finding your own peace inside its madness, I’m doing my best"

"The Owners Of Passionate Hearts, Keepers Of Boundless Souls, Should Never Be Taken For Granted...Do So, Look Up And They Could Be Gone"

Harrison, my lil cousin...just the cutest kid on the planet

"Creative Risk Takers Rally Round The Front"

"I Build My Life Like A Poet, Feel Each Moment As If I Were Dying, And Walk My Path As True As I Can"

"As Her Soft Lips Met Mine, Without Thought I Closed My Eyes, And When I Opened Them...I Saw God For The First Time"

"You're Lookin' At The Pieces Of A Man That's Just Tryin To Make It Through The Struggles"

Chivalry Is Not Dead


" I would not exchange the laughter of my heart for the fortunes of the multitudes; nor would I be content with converting my tears, invited by my agonized self, into calm. It is my fervent hope that my whole life on this earth will ever be tears and laughter. Tears that purify my heart and reveal to me the secret of life and its mystery. Laughter that brings me closer to my fellow men; Tears with which I join the broken-hearted, Laughter that symbolizes joy over my very existence."

About me…well I like to think that I am ever-changing, always growing. Which in part is the reason I am revamping this section. Yet when faced with this simple descriptive task, I honestly don’t think there is all too much exciting to tell. But here are the facts; I was born in Tucson, Arizona. Raised there until I was twenty-one…I was a bit of a trouble finder, notice I did not say trouble maker…but damn was I good at finding it. At that point of my life I knew I needed a change and moved up to Seattle, Washington. I lived in Seattle off and on until March of 2004. Odd I look back on it and it feels like just yesterday and forever ago all at once that I was back on Capital hill in the 206. Anyway, I moved to Tempe, stayed there a while and just recently moved out here to Goodyear to help take care of my mom, who is now going through her third fight with cancer. Those are the facts…as for some inner detail, I am an adopted child, and no I do not want to find my birthmother. I consider myself not only a bit of an outsider, but also a romantic, and lover of life’s little beauties. I love watching people. I was a bit of an artist growing up but have since picked up on writing as my art. I am far from a great writer but in time I hope that will change. I am a Gemini and fit the description to the letter. I am an avid golfer…it’s ridiculous how much I love golfing. I started playing two years ago and just love the game. I like the concept of driving towards an unattainable perfection.

I have five heroes in my life, my Nana and Tata, my mother and father, who is also my best friend, and my birthmother. I am a lover of many things...and am blessed to still be in contact with a lot of the people that have made me who I am today. I love my life and all the pain and happiness that come along my days here. I love...that's something about me, I love like an infant, I think we all should love true like a child loves. Without judgments or worries about the broken heart that may lay right around the corner. That's how I love, if I didn't I would be cheating me...and I will never cheat me. I did that too much already in my life.

"I cry a lot, but admit to it. Loving live now, but I been through it"

"if you follow a light down a dark path, that path could lead anywhere...eventually leading to a dark end. If you are the light, you are the path"

Those two quotes and the one at the top of this have always been caught in the back of my head. And all pertain to the way I want to lead my life. I was homeless in my late teens, I have lost a more than a couple friends in my life to drugs and that lifestyle...and have hurt people before...broken hearts without thinking, hurt feelings without caring. And for that I am ashamed.

But also thankful, thankful that I have learned from those years and am no longer that boy. I now want to learn something new everyday, laugh louder every day, and be as passionate as I can be to the one's I hold close to my heart everyday...some people may see my signs of kindness as weak...and I do not care.

And that's just a little bit about me.

One Love, Chris


One Love...and may you always light your own path.

Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that" ~Dr. Martin Luther King Jr."

From Wonderful friends:

my weakness is that I care too much...

You are one of the most gentle, forgiving and beautiful souls I've ever known.

This is marked FRAGILEorHandle with Care

Faith is believing what you dont see. Hope is anticipating good things. Trust is knowing youll do the right thing. Grace is always accepting. Love is unconditionally forgiving.

I think you are amazing, Chris. Such a genuine and incredably beautiful soul. I am grateful and thankful that I know you and have you in my life. If you ever change, I'll come kick your ass, Beaner. Be at peace always - and for the kind heart being a weakness.. it is never a weakness and never an excuse. Hugs hun.The Squaw

A wise man once said..."Fuck 'em if they can't take a joke"

My way of life is with a thought, my pad and a pen, I am an open book with just a few of the pages ripped out, and the next time I give you something to ponder, try not to give me a blank stare in return.

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My Interests

"When you come to the edge of all light you have known and you are about to step out of the darkness, faith is knowing one of two things will happen.....there will be something to stand on or you will be taught to fly"

Love and the act itself

I'd like to meet:

.."Brothers call me "dog" but they got the letters backwards"

Nurture the darkness of your soul until you become whole. Can you do this and not fail? Can you focus your life-breath until you become supple as a newborn child? While you cleanse your inner vision will you be found without fault? Can you love people and lead them without forcing your will on them? When Heaven gives and takes away can you be content with the outcome? When you understand all things can you step back from your own understanding?

Giving birth and nourishing, making without possessing, expecting nothing in return. To grow, yet not to control: This is the mysterious virtue.

Natalie Portman Rap Video

My boy Larry

I miss my Seattle cats and Tucson friends as well... width="425" height="350" ..


.. width="425" height="350" ..
Hip Hop, Breaks, Old school R&B, country, Dancehall, Reggae ooohhh do I love Reggae, Downtempo...shit pretty much anything...Music lover remember. Astronautalis, Curtis Mayfield, Johnny Cash, Stevie Wonder, Shiny Toy Guns, Zero 7, Gift of Gab, Donny Hathaway, Bobby Womack, Capleton, The Killers, Marvin Gaye, MadVillain, Blue Scholars(Seattle),Mad Lib, Nice N Smooth, Peace(Seattle), Sage Francis, MF Doom, The Beatles, Reel Big Fish, Lyrics Born, Otis Redding, Robbery Runamuk(repin' Seatown), Can OX, Ramones, El-P, Aesop Roc, Akrobatik, Mr Lif, Lord Quaz, Brainwash Projects, Living Legends, Common, Vitamin D, Digable Planets, Murs, Talib Kweli,Erika Badu, Common Market(Seattle), Norah Jones, Bob, Peter Tosh, Prince, Black Michael Jackson...Jackson Five, C Rayz Walz,Del The FunkyHomosapien, The Roots, DJ Q-Bert, DJ baby Ann, Oldominion, Cancer Rising, Counting Crows, Radiohead, Smashing Pumpkins, Lily Allen, Massive Attack, Company Flow, Blueprint, Freestyle Fellowship, DJ Krush, KRS-ONE, Aceyalone,Swollen Members, Ozomatili, Portishead, NYC's Rosko, Stars, Al Green, oldominion, Grayskul, Star People, ATMOSPHERE, Kers, Coldplay, The Shins, Jet, Oasis,The Postal Service, Goodword, Kurious, oh, the Beastie Boys of course


Wild Style, boondock Saints, Amilie, Serendepity, Empire of the Sun, Big Lebouski, Along came Polly, Secondhand Lions, City of God, Garden State, Shawn of the Dead, Office Space, What Dreams May Come, Crash, Caddieshack , Three Amigos, Airplane, Hitch, dramas too...

What Classic Movie Are You?
personality tests by


I love reading give it to me and I'll most likely read it....But the Lovely Bones stands out as a favorite


.. width="425" height="350" ..Posted By:Timmy 5000

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My Blog

Oh Timmy you moron!!!!

..> ..> Tim Hardaway is a MORON!!!! Fucker flat out said..."I hate gay people" How fucking stupid can you be? This coming from a black man that I'm sure had to go through his own type of bigotry thr...
Posted by The Alpha~Beaner on Thu, 15 Feb 2007 07:13:00 PST

Just Being Me

Where does the need for this come from? My need to write& Nothing for weeks now, Not a want, much less a reason. Yet tonight here I sit. The jumble of feelings in my heart Even out the confusion run...
Posted by The Alpha~Beaner on Fri, 29 Dec 2006 08:39:00 PST

A Long over due 'Thank You

Dear Mom, I am not really sure as to why I decided I owed you a letter. Nor am I too sure about what to say&or where I should even begin. I guess I just really never just get to talk to you&At least ...
Posted by The Alpha~Beaner on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 10:25:00 PST

Just Maybe

Sleep& Where I should be is in my bed, Not here, listening to this song on repeat Dreaming about you. Yet my thinking is that if I just get you out of my head& And onto this black and white scre...
Posted by The Alpha~Beaner on Tue, 24 Oct 2006 10:45:00 PST

Midnight Dreams

My mind drifts in and out of a peaceful sleep&I open up my eyes and feel your breath on my face. Our heat comforts our rest and in this moment I know of only you and I alive. In this sea of sheets an...
Posted by The Alpha~Beaner on Wed, 18 Oct 2006 09:05:00 PST

Free(Tonight's Goodnight Poem)

Free Of the broken hearted cries Free of the unwarranted worries of lies Free of hurtful falsities Not in search of broken wills Free of my hidden habits Fake confidence snorted through twenty dolla...
Posted by The Alpha~Beaner on Wed, 11 Oct 2006 11:55:00 PST


Glow   Some people in life you will just never forget First loves, best friends from childhood And people that just touch your soul I have been lucky enough to run into a few blessings like the...
Posted by The Alpha~Beaner on Sun, 08 Oct 2006 05:56:00 PST

Childlike Eyes(Goodnight Thought)

I am free to be something I have not been in years With childlike eyes bright I now look upon the world as if a rain has just past Clean, vivid colors dripping of love Grass under my feet Cool, damp...
Posted by The Alpha~Beaner on Wed, 04 Oct 2006 11:53:00 PST

Late Night Ramblings

Late Night Ramblings I am just letting my fingers go tonight, no direction or sense of accomplishment in mind. Just a man and his thoughts. Although truth be told they do drift to a certain someone. ...
Posted by The Alpha~Beaner on Sun, 01 Oct 2006 01:41:00 PST

Mr Feel Nothing

I played connect the dots with your beauty marksAnd I ended up with picture perfect sheet musicI read your musical notes with a composer's eyesAnd heard out song for the first timeMy spine is still t...
Posted by The Alpha~Beaner on Sun, 01 Oct 2006 01:38:00 PST