Fairies Wear Boots - [FUK crew] profile picture

Fairies Wear Boots - [FUK crew]


About Me

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Name: Cassie
Birthday: 15th March
Birthplace: Fairfield Hospital
Current Location: Whitefield
Eye Color: blue
Hair Color: blonde
Height: about 5ft 4"
Right Handed or Left Handed: right
Your Heritage: English
The Shoes You Wore Today: boots
Your Weakness: being ticklish n chocolate
Your Fears: SPIDERS!!!!
Your Perfect Pizza: cheese :p
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: umm...get into uni
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: OMG! and lmao
Thoughts First Waking Up: Check my phone to see who hs txt me ;)
Your Best Physical Feature: dunno, wat dyou think? :S
Your Bedtime: whenever I'm tired
Your Most Missed Memory: hmm...not sure. There's a few
Pepsi or Coke: Cherry Coke :P
MacDonalds or Burger King: Luv em both lol
Single or Group Dates: single
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: none
Chocolate or Vanilla: hmm...im leanin towards chocolate:p
Cappuccino or Coffee: none
Do you Smoke: nope
Do you Swear: wen im angry lol
Do you Sing: in the shower hehe
Do you Shower Daily: yeah
Have you Been in Love: i am atm :)
Do you want to go to College: at college
Do you want to get Married: someday, yeah
Do you belive in yourself: depends what I'm doing ha!
Do you get Motion Sickness: yea
Do you think you are Attractive: not particularly
Are you a Health Freak: nope!
Do you get along with your Parents: I get along with my mum
Do you like Thunderstorms: yeah. well it depends wheter i'm in or out lol
Do you play an Instrument: bass guitar
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: yeah
In the past month have you Smoked: yea :(
In the past month have you been on Drugs: nope
In the past month have you gone on a Date: yeah
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: yeah
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: what's oreos? :s
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: no!
In the past month have you been on Stage: nope
In the past month have you been Dumped: no
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: hehe no
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: nope
Ever been Drunk: regularly
Ever been called a Tease: yea haha
Ever been Beaten up: nope
Ever Shoplifted: nope, except from when I was about 3 n i didn't realise ha!
How do you want to Die: wat sort of question is tht?!
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: Criminal Psychologist or maybe journalist. sumthin along those lines
What country would you most like to Visit: I've always wanted 2 go Portugal 4 sum reason
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: Either really dark or bright green
Favourite Hair Color: dark hair
Short or Long Hair: doesn't bother me
Height: doesn't bother me
Weight: don't mind
Best Clothing Style: Anything they're confident in
Number of Drugs I have taken: 1
Number of CDs I own: loads!
Number of Piercings: eight
Number of Tattoos: none yet
Number of things in my Past I Regret: none!
Your Porn Star Name Is...
Sweetest Sin What's Your Porn Star Name?
Your IQ Is 105
Your Logical Intelligence is Below Average
Your Verbal Intelligence is Above Average
Your Mathematical Intelligence is Genius
Your General Knowledge is Average A Quick and Dirty IQ Test
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My Interests

i loveee....Goin out with friends, watchin bands, bass guitar!, music, pets, dancing, vodka, lauhging, my boyfriend, doug aldrich haha, pancakes, piercings, myths, parties, bikers, rude jokes, over active imagination, daffy duck, goin out n havin a gud tym!!
Myspace Layouts

I'd like to meet:

Me in the parallel universe


FURY UK, whitesnake, acdc, ozzy, black sabbath, glenn hughes, bon jovi, bullet for my valentine, iron maiden, lynard synard, aerosmith, disturbed, zeppelin, marilyn manson, metallica, alice cooper, fall out boy, steve vai, motorhead, pantera, no doubt, guns n roses, beyond fear, foreigner, bryan adams, trivium, thunder, dream theatre, linkin park, megadeth, system of a down and loads more


mainly horrors n comedies.


nip tuck, friends, wwe, fawlty towers, my family, footballer's wives, bottom, america's next top model, only fools and horses, my family, most haunted, keeping up appearances, sex and the city, black adder, corrie.
MySpace Comments
MySpace Comments


Wuthering heights by Emily Bronte, Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte. I enjoy reading books by Adele Parks, nd Danielle Steele. also cosmopolitan n more magazine.


not a clue.
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My Blog


Hadn’t done a blog before so i thought i may aswel do one. This is a song I think is beautiful and has become one of my favourites. I think it was originally by The Beatles but i prefer the Ozzy...
Posted by Fairies Wear Boots - [FUK crew] on Tue, 08 Apr 2008 12:03:00 PST