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The Lost Soul
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Acdc A.F.I. Alice cooper Alice in chains Amduscia Anorexia nervosa Atreyu Avenged sevenfold Aerosmith Audioslave Anti - flag Aura noir Behexen Birthday massacre Black Funeral Bleeding through Blood bath Blutengel Burzum Cadaveria Cannibal corpse Cradle of Filth Children of Bodom Cinema strange Damnation Dark Funeral Darkest hours Dargaard Dark Tranquillity Dead can dace Death before disco Death ss Death stars Depeche Mode DEvil Inside Diary of dreams Dimmu borgir Dismal Diva destruction Dream Theatre Darkest hour De Lirium' s order Dir en Grey Dominion III Eighteen visions Elvira Madigan Entwine Ensoph Evanescence Forgotten tomb Good Charlotte Gorillaz Gothic minister Green Day Guns n Roses Haggard Hardcoresuperstar H.I.M. Himsa Ill disposed Iron Maiden Immortal In flames Kamelot Korn Lacrimas profundere Lacrimosa Lacuna coil Limp bizkit Linkin park London after midnight Lord of decadence Lost Prophets Lost soul Lord Belial Lost soul Macbeth Marduk Marilyn Manson Mayhem Metallica Misfits Mortis Mortuary drape Motorhead Muse My chemical Romance My dying bride My sixth shadow Negative Negura bonget Nightwish Nine inch nails Nirvana Nocturnal mortum Opeth Ozzy Osbourn Paradise lost Placebo Private Line Rammstein Rolling Stones Satyricon Scent of flesh Sex Pistols Shandon Silent voices Simple plan Skunk anansie Slipknot Sturm out System of a down Sick of it all Silent voices Slayer Sonata artica The blinding light The dresden doll The 69 eyes Theatre of tragedy Theatre des vampires Throes of dawn...
Dario Argento's movies; The libertine; The nightmare before christmas; Corpse Bride; The ring; The grudge; Van Helsing; Dracula; Shining; Seven; Clockwork Orange; Residen evil; Vanity fair; Nan
I do not like television.. it erases my imagination and creativity.
Baudelaire x Sartre x Verlain x Goethe x Stoker x Coleridge x Anne Rice x Banana Yoshimoto x Alighieri x Petrarca x Boccaccio x Foscolo x Shalespeare x Wilde x Dostoevskij x Leopardi x Hugo x Tolstoj x Voltaire x Flaubert x Marlowe x Wordsworth x Maupassant x Poe x Christie x Shelley x Novalis x Keats x Stevenson x John Milton x Blake x Bruder Grimm x E.T.A. Hoffmann x G. Benn x.
No human can be an Hero...