I love good food, my favorite probably being sushi. I lived in Japan when I was a child. I love to write, teach, read, cook, work in the yard, work out, and have coffee with friends.
These are images of my three novels. The images will link you to The novels are also available on and scores of other book sellers.
Check out the blog of the review of my latest novel by an top reviewer.
I am here to make friends and network. Visit is live and on the web.
Your Birthdate: January 26
You lucked out the the skills to succeed in almost any arena.
Put you in almost any business or classroom, and you'll rise to the top.
You're driven and intense, but you also know when to kick back and cooperate.
Your ability to adapt to almost any situation is part of what's going to make you a success.
Your strength: Your attention to detail
Your weakness: You can be a little too proud of your successes
Your power color: Turquoise
Your power symbol: Arrow pointing up
Your power month: August
What Does Your Birth Date Mean?I Am
Which tarot card are you?
Video of my reading a short excerpt from my latest novel
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everything...I love music. Music and dance are the true celebration of the soul. From the Grateful Dead to Usher to opera...that's opera, not Oprah (but she's cool too, I guess)I love it all. If you want me to listen to something, I will try to give constructive advice. I have a great ear. I'm old school, but I like listening to a wide variety of music.
not a big fan anymore...Hollywood has mostly run out of ideas of late. Indies are okay some of the time. "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" was funny. I used to love going to the movies, but they suck more now, not less. There is one that will stay in my heart forever. Several actually. My fav movie of all time, I would have to say, is "The Princess Bride."
"I know something you don't know."
"What is that, my friend?"
"I am not left handed."
"Never fight a land war in China."
"The Cliffs of Insanity. Hurry."
Hollywood has fallen down on the job, and I am sadly disappointed. Maybe I'm just getting older.
the images move too is unsettling...and entirely too many commercials. In 1970 the typical 30 second spot had around 300 frames to it. Now, the typical 30 second spot has almost 3,000 frames to it. Is it any wonder younger populations are so severely ADD? If you grew up with television as your baby sitter, then you probably have bad wiring. Today's youth had their brains wired through a different process than their older contemporaries. Part of this is born out by the field of neurolinguistics. Many of us are sensitive to the constant flash of light and the endless drone of the changing images in today's commercials. This technique is something akin to brainwashing and post hypnotic suggestion, and is exactly how unwitting marketing and advertising executives have rewired certain receptors in our brains. Don't think for a minute that subliminal advertising is no longer around either. Commercials are killing me. They are presented with mind-numbing repetition. It feels like torture. But I still watch occasionally. But when the programmers change the nights of the shows, I always lose anything I was remotely (get it?) interested in. Television will be the death of civilization, and I am angry as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore. Now that was a good movie. It even predicted reality television, which I hope is a quick blip on the radar. What we need are virtual reality shows, where we are all the star of our own dramas or sitcoms. Television had once been moderately entertaining. Now it is violence and gross stuff. What brilliant writer or director got the notion we want to see actors puke on cue? It is bad enough in cartoons. I would have to say puking less is good advice too. I can barely relate to television any more. Television is much worse than the movies, which are awful. I realize that most television shows are aimed at the young and the tweens, but there was a time when it was different. That time did not seem so long ago. Family entertainment now means that the parents are bored silly, or the show is so disgusting they won't let their kids watch. I finally broke down and purchsed a TIVO. It is not bad, but I don't exactly love it. I grew weary of watching the same three movies on Comedy Central over and over. "The OC," "Joe Dirt," and "Malibu's Most Wanted" are funny until you have seen them a dozen times. Now with TIVO, it's reruns of Becker, Green Acres, The Addams Family, and South Park. Television sucks. It needs to suck less. Maybe I'm just middle aged now and nobody told me. A stale, old fart hung in the air. "Will somebody cut him down please?" is live on the web. Check it out. Visit
"For the Love of a Madman" and "The Stone Cabin" and "Confessions of an Internet Don Juan." These are the three I wrote and published. The images are above. They are available at and You may click on the images. They may also be purchased in stores, if you request a copy. "Confessions of an Internet Don Juan" was recently published and is my best work to date.
Check out the blog of my latest review by an top reviewer. is now live on the web. Visit
the little man and woman...the individuals that try to do everything the best they can for their kids...the middle class and the less fortunate who live their lives in quiet dignity...those that know every day is a consummate struggle and keep their chins up and a smile on their faces...the disabled for whom simple things can be a terrific students who are trying to improve their circumstances...artists of all kinds...and people that stick to their guns in the face of great adversity. These are my heroes.