♣Alessandra♣ profile picture



About Me

View my on-line portfolio:Born in Rome, in 1984. When Alessandra was a child she wanted to sell icecreams. She said she couldn't draw and she loved watching her aunt drawing for her. Then one day she discovered she really loved drawing, even if colouring was really boring. So she changed her mind, she didn't want to become an icecream seller anymore. Since that day Alessandra Fusi has never stopped drawing. Now she likes colouring too, and she has decided to be an illustrator. She absolutely loves music, even if she still can't play it..But she decided she will learn very soon.
"Tra la terra e l'acqua" - book trailer

Visit my Flickr Gallery:

My Interests

My Plushies: Art!!In it's everchanging forms..Illustration, children books, video art, land art..poetry..faery tales.. And Music!!I could never live without it..music guides my hands in creating possible worlds..And it's my entire universe..

----------------------------------- ---Check my work also on:

I'd like to meet:

Well.. ..Artists.. ..Art lovers.. ..Art gallery owners.. ..Musicians looking for an artist for their cover and booklet artwork.. ..Publishers.. ..You..And then..How Could I write them all?? -Brian Froud, once more.. -Mark Ryden -Tim Burton -john everett Millais -Arthur Rackham And obviously the cheshire cat!


-Nightwish- -within temptation- -the Gathering- -After forever- -Theatre of tragedy- -Anathema- -Dead Can dance- -The Dresden dolls- -Rasputina- -Placebo- -The Cure- -Incubus Sukkubus- -Tori Amos- -Kate Bush- -Jethro Tull- -Fabrizio De Andrè- -Loreena McKennit- -Blackmore's Night- -Woodland- -Ayreon- -Stream of Passion- -Ambeon- -Bjork- -Arcturus- -Soul Takers- -Autumn tears- -Blind Guardian- -Thy Majestie- -Dark tranquillity- -Beatles- -Dimmu Borgir- -Era- -Angra- -Dream Theatre- And so many more...It's overflowing!:p


-Labyrinth- -The Nightmare before Christmas- -Edward scissorhands- -(all Burton's filmography)- -The Dark Crystal- -Walt Disney's Alice in Wonderland- -well..all Disney's traditional animation movies..from Snow White to Pocahontas; I don't really like the latest ones..- -Nell- -Bram Stoker's Dracula- -Ladyhawke- -The Secret of Nihm- -Who framed Roger Rabbit?- -Pixar movies!!- -Shrek & Shrek2- -Ice Age & Ice Age2- -Interview with the Vampire- -Fabuleux destin d'Amelie Poulain- -Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory- -The Goonies- -Hayao Myazaki's filmography- -Mamoru oshii's Avalon- -Ghost in the shell- -Neverland- -The Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind- -Blues Brothers- -Star wars- -Highlander- -Chocolat- -Kill Bill- -The Sixth Sense-


-The Lord Of The Rings- (J.R.R. Tolkien) -Tree and Leaf- (J.R.R. Tolkien) -Alice in wonderland- (Lewis Carroll) -Through the looking glass- (Lewis Carroll) -Neverending story- (Michael Ende) -Stardust- (Neil gaiman) -All Brian Froud's books- (their something like a Bible to me:P) -IT- (Stephen King) -Edgar Allan Poe's poetry and tales- -H.P.Lovecraft's Tales- -The witches hour- (Anne Rice) -The vampire Chronicles- (Anne Rice) -The diaries of the family Dracul- (Jeanne Kalogridis) -The Mechanical Cat- (Torey Hayden) -Watership down- (Richard Adams) -The Ancient Solitary Reign- (Martin Hocke) -Wuthering heights- (Emily Bronte) -The melancholy death of Oister Boy and other stories- (Tim Burton) -Le Petit Prince- (Antoin DeSaint Exupery) -Angel Sanctuary- (Kaory Yuki) oh..it's quite impossible to write them all...!

My Blog

Etsy spotlight artist

  My etsy shop has been feautured in juiciejulz's blog!! http://juiciejulz.blogspot.com/2008/05/etsy-spotlight-artist -infinitales.html Thank you so much for your delicious words Gail!! ;)...
Posted by ♣Alessandra♣ on Mon, 12 May 2008 03:17:00 PST

Infinitales resellers list- Elenco rivenditori Infinitales

Ecco una lista dei negozi dove potete comprare le mie cosette:   Here's a list of the shops where you can buy my goodies:   -In Italia-       Lazio: &nb...
Posted by ♣Alessandra♣ on Tue, 06 May 2008 03:53:00 PST

"Trees" Collective art exhibition @ D'Art Visual Gallery

"Trees"  la natura vista dagli artisti Carlo Astesani,  Patrizia Azimonti,  Marina Barbiero - Occhi Pinti,  Orazio Bargazzi,  Davide Dell'Acqua,  Alessandra Fusi,&n...
Posted by ♣Alessandra♣ on Thu, 01 May 2008 01:50:00 PST

Focus Family issue feauturing my artwork!

The brand new issue of Focus Family feautures my artwork Here are the four illustrations: "Se la goda" "Il pane e le rose" "Mbraccio" "Sara & Hulk"...
Posted by ♣Alessandra♣ on Sun, 20 Apr 2008 04:10:00 PST

"Tra la terra e l’acqua" Book presentation @ "La libreria Sottosopra"

  Incontro e laboratorio con la giovane illustratrice Alessandra Fusi Sabato 19 aprile ore 17, presso la Libreria SottoSopra, libreria per bambini specializzata nell'illustrazione, quarto appunt...
Posted by ♣Alessandra♣ on Sat, 12 Apr 2008 08:30:00 PST

P.p. - The Peluche project Now on Flickr

I've just created a brand new Flickr account for all my plushies!!Here you will find all my latest stuffed creations :) Take a look: http://www.flickr.com/photos/peluche_project ...
Posted by ♣Alessandra♣ on Mon, 03 Mar 2008 04:57:00 PST


FEFÈ Visual Magazine5 sarà presentato al Brancaleone  Via Levanna, 11 ROMA,Sabato 1 marzo alle h. 23.00. È prevista la partecipazione degli artisti: C215_CHRISTIAN GUÈMY_ performance stencil dell'ar...
Posted by ♣Alessandra♣ on Wed, 27 Feb 2008 04:07:00 PST

Fefè Visual Magazine feauture

Here is my feauture on Fefè Visual magazine, issue 5 :) The theme was "It wasn't planned". http://www.fefeproject.com/    ...
Posted by ♣Alessandra♣ on Tue, 19 Feb 2008 07:34:00 PST

"Pintoricchio, un mondo in miniatura" book presentation

Here is the presentation of another book I illustrated. It's an art-catalogue for children about the painter Pintoricchio.I realized the illustrations of "Artea", a small girl speacking to children fr...
Posted by ♣Alessandra♣ on Sun, 17 Feb 2008 03:18:00 PST

"Tra la terra e lacqua" book presentation

My newest book presentation !! In bookstores from April 2008...
Posted by ♣Alessandra♣ on Fri, 15 Feb 2008 11:07:00 PST