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I am here for Friends

About Me

Greetings! Welcome to my page.......I'm Raven, a Professional Tarot Reader, Hoodoo Practitioner and the Proprietor of "The Village Witch". I have created a line of products that include ritual bath salts and oils, magickal sprays, magickal oils, loose incense, as well as, charm bags and complete kits for health, prosperity, love, personal energy clearing, clearings for home or business, etc. All Magickal products are blended from my own personal recipes that have been created to enhance and empower all aspects of your life.....I'm also a Reiki Practitioner, Flower Essence Consultant, and Chakra Therapist. For more information please check out my blog............................................... Here is a new Chakra Balancing/Clearing Meditation it that I created in conjunction with Joseph Carringer of Ancient Voices Harmonic Therapy....CD and Universal Chakra Oil with semi-precious stones for each Chakra - $25.00 .....................Chakras are the energy centers that bridge the physical body with the spirit body. Connecting with your chakras will help you to master the life lessons associated with theses energy centers.The use of essential oils and sound to connect with these energy centers is an age old holistic practice used in different modalities such as Aruvedic Medicine, Yoga, Massage and Traditional Chinese Medicine etc.The seven, 6 minute, chakra balancing/clearing tracks were recorded using a custom made wood and metal slide didgeridoo adjusted to each specific musical key of the chakras and is complimented with the toning of a metal singing bowl in the same key as the chakra............ Below is a slide show of a few of my other products, some of which are for sale on eBay. If you have any questions about them please ask and I'll get back to you as soon as possible................................................Layo ut made by Heathen Child

My Interests

Tarot Readings by RavenMy tarot readings offer you an insight into your possibilities and the opportunity to make informed choices. Very often we are just to close to a situation to see what our options are. Let the cards show you what you need to know. I offer Tarot readings by email, phone or in person (if you're in the Portsmouth, NH area). Just send an email to set up a reading. I accept credit/debit card payments via PayPal or cash if you see me in person.CURRENT MOON moon phase infoMy Interests include but are not limited to: Tarot, Psychic Development, Metaphysics, The Paranormal, Spiritualism, Seances, Ghost Hunting, Hoodoo, The Occult, Magick.

I'd like to meet:

.................. .......... ........... ...... "I Put a Spell on you from Hocus Pocus" .. ..What we see in the symbology of tarot derives in large measure from our own intuition and, once revealed, reflects back upon each of us to further enrich our lives.........The encyclopedia of Tarot Volume 1 by Stuart R. Kaplan


John Lennon, Cindy Kaza, Clapton, Ozzie, Pink Floyd, Phil Collins, Enigma, Stevie Nicks, Lisa Thiel, Laura Powers, Loreena Mckennet, Medwyn Goodall, Kate Bush, Enya, Sarah Mclachlan, Lisa Lynne, Dead Can Dance, Spirites Consort, Evanescence


Thelma & Louise, Jumping Jack Flash, The Crow, Donnie Darko, Bell Book & Candle, The Mists of Avalon, Himalaya, The Skeleton Key, Angel Heart, Beloved, The Serpent and the Rainbow, Practical Magic, Hocus Pocus, Harry Potter, Merlin, Crash, any Bette Davis or Humphrey Bogart film, Peter Pan (the one with mary martin as peter is my favorite) The Goonies, The Ghost and Mrs. Muir, The Fifth Element, The Wizard of Oz, What the Bleep


Medium, Heroes, The Dresden Files, Crossing Over with John Edward, Miami Ink, Deal or No Deal, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, America's Next Top Model, Who wants to be a super hero, Dancing with the Stars, Charmed, Army Wives. So you think you can dance, America's Got Talent, Bewitched, X-files


Talking to Heaven by James Van Praagh (actually I've really loved everyone of his books that I've read), Lily Dale by Christine Wicker and many other books on Spiritualism, Siddhartha, Stephen King especially - The Stand, The Mists of Avalon, Mindfullness by Thich Nhat Hanh, Anything by Christopher Penczak, I liked everything by Raven Grimassi that I've read, plus way too many other pagan books and authors to mention,


My heros are my children, I've been truly blessed. I also want to add Dave and Katie too, thank you for coming into our lives...................A Knock on the Door

My Blog

Distant Ethereal Crystal Attunement

                         I am a Usui Reiki Master and a Certified Chakra Therapist. ...
Posted by Raven on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 05:19:00 PST

Universal Chakra Oil

This past week I needed to make a new "batch" of my Universal Chakra Oil because I had sold out of my Chakra Kits and had to make more.  I've been empowering oils by placing them in a copper pyra...
Posted by Raven on Mon, 25 Feb 2008 10:48:00 PST

Chakra Balancing/Clearing Meditation Kit

Being a Certified Chakra Therapist, a Usui Reiki Master, a Shamballa Multi-Dimensional Practitioner, a Certified Crystal Therapist, a Certified Aromatherapist, and Certified Flower Essence Practitione...
Posted by Raven on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 02:42:00 PST

New Chakra Balancing/Clearing Kit

Chakra Balancing/Clearing Meditation KitJoseph B. Carringer and Radiant VibrationsApproximately 42 minutes, 7 tracksCD and Universal Chakra Oil with semi-precious stones for each Chakra - $25.00Chakra...
Posted by Raven on Mon, 17 Dec 2007 02:20:00 PST

Products and Services offered by The Village Witch

Products and Services offer by The Village Witch *Tarot Readings *Ritual Bath Salts and Oils *Magickal Sprays, *Magickal Oils, *Loose Incense, *Charm / Mojo Bags, *Complete Spell kits for health...
Posted by Raven on Sun, 12 Aug 2007 05:02:00 PST

Tarot Reading by Email

Posted by Raven on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 10:58:00 PST

Distant Usui Reiki Level I Attunement

Posted by Raven on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 06:16:00 PST

A little bit about me

Since early childhood I have been sensitive to the energies of Nature and Spirit.  As a child and young adult this often times made life difficult for me, but as I learned to work with my gifts ...
Posted by Raven on Fri, 03 Aug 2007 06:29:00 PST

The Charge of the Goddess by Doreen Valiente

The Charge of the Goddess Now listen to the words of the Great Mother,who was of old also called among men Artemis, Astarte, Athene, Dione, Melusine, Aphrodite, Cerridwen, Dana, Arianrhod, Isis, Bri...
Posted by Raven on Sat, 28 Jul 2007 09:01:00 PST

Making Mistakes

I've been asked many times if I teach witchcraft classes. I find that most of the people that ask me this question are afraid of making a mistake. I always say that part of the bricks in our Path to S...
Posted by Raven on Sat, 23 Jun 2007 06:31:00 PST