i InTeReSt MySelF. i Am NoT hOwEvEr A nArCiSisStIc MySpAcE cUnT. i LoVe My FrIeNdS, tHeY mEaN eVeRyThInG tO mE. mOsTlY wE dRiNk. AlOt.
PpL hU rNt
PeRvErTs Or
pPl Hu WaNt To TaLk RuBiSh BoUt EvRyThIn
SiD vIcIoUs AnD eLvIsMY BEST FRIEND IS THE SEXFoR 9 sHoT aMeRiCaNoS, fOr ThE mOsT cOmFy SeAtInG pOsItIoN eVeR, fOr 2 HoUr ToIlEt TrIpS, fOr HaNdBaGs, FoR cRyInG wItH mE, fOr StEaLiNg AlL mY bLuE nAiL vArNiSh, FoR wRiTiNg On WaLlS iN eYeLiNeR...tHiS iS wHy I *L* yOu, My BeSt FrIeNd, HaRd In ThE fAcE tImEs A mIlLiOn WiTh GiNgHaM. pS aQuAmArInE!Cursor by www.Soup-Faerie.Comi am the body beautiful.
LoUd ShOuTy GrL rOcK, PRODIGY!!!! aPhEx TwIn, AtArI tEeNaGe RiOt, HoLe, BjOrK, mArIlYn MaNsON, hOrRoRpOpS, dIsTiLlErS, dEpEcHe MoDe, TrAnSpLaNtS, ThE cUrE, qUeEn AdReEnA, mY rUiN, jAcK oFf JiLl, sNaKe RiVeR cOnSpIrAcY,mInDlEsS sElF iNdUlGeNcE,sKuNk AnAnSiE, mAdDoNnA. yEs I sAiD mAdOnNa.
u MuSt SeE tAnK gRl. UtHaWiSe, AnYtHiNg TiM bUrToNeSqUe, TaRaNtInO, gHoSt WoRlD, tHe CrAfT, pArTy MoNsTeR, sPuN, vIrGiN sUiCiDeS, aLmOsT fAmOuS, bRiDe Of ChUcKy, TrAiNsPoTtInG, gHoStBuStErS I aNd II, MaRiE aNtOiNeTtE
Which Trainspotting Character Are You?" a desert holiday, lets pack the drag away, il take the lunch and tea, you take the ecstasy, fuck off you silly queer, im getting out of here, a desert holiday, hiphiphiphip hooray!"
ThE o.C. i CaNt HeLp It. It JuSt HaPpEnEd.
LoLiTa AnD dAkOtA oF tHe WhItE fLaTs AnD aMeRiCa ThE bEaUtIfUl
My Friends. These people are the glue that hold me together, make me sane.JONJON-my other half, my male counterpart etc. love you babes :)RACH-my manchester lady, miss you forever snot face, come back and make me a veggie breakfast!RUTH-my vodka partner in crime and mother to my niece (not actually, i mean children. ew)LOZ-for knowing how neurotic i am and still wanting to talk to me :)ROSS-definitly the funniest. o yes. do you change colour when you're pregnant?KERRY-has the mightiest ass! never will the secret word be revealed to boys. they just dont know.DEE-DEE-my lovely lady wife, for much download madness and frolics!FAE-the only woman i know who can beat me in a sarcasm rally, beautiful lady :)GUY-this boy. always. forever. harina. CHLOE-my pink princess. harina.JAK-for hating the scene even more than me! KENNETH!LIAM-my fucking hero. for loving son of dork and always managing to cheer me up.