&!__&copyUNT. Jon St. Jon profile picture

&!__&copyUNT. Jon St. Jon

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I am my own, anna's and no one elses
I'v probably seen you around and ignored you. In my experience, its better this way. You wont like me anyway.
I like piercings (on myself and on other people)
I like shiny things, things that sparkle and odd bits of bling.
I like to kiss boys, but did this before it was cool.
I occasionally kiss girls, but not often. Ana doesn't like it.
I like DVD's, PSP's, iPODS and assorted electrical equipment.
I also like MDMA, but thats something else.
I like pink make-up. And Dior flash-sticks.
I'd like you if you were nice. Prove me wrong.
Vivienne Westwood makes me piss all over the floor with excitement.
I like to pound the dancefloor whilst wearing shoes that are better than yours.

I think your pretty
Everything you may of heard about me is true. Especially the lies.
Everything is your fault. I blame YOU.
I'm not actually that much of a bitch. It just seems that way.
Come and dance with me and my bitches...you know you want to. There are many things wrong with me, and you'll have fun finding them out
LIPS|hairspray|BLING|poundingpoundingtechnomusic|ANNA|l*ve|K ISSING|fucking|DANCING|shopping|SNORTING|dropping|bumping|EL ECTRO(ING)|ketkats(and kitkats)|PHOTOSHOP|chiken|CUNT|fuck|himself|YOURSELF|myself| this|THAT|theother|BWAB-BWAB|[INSERT NAME OF SOMEONE I'V RUINED] My Numero Uno, [MISS DOOM] who is the best seat ever on drugs|for always dropping her mobile phones in water|for doing what she needs to do even though she hates it|for being trashed all the time and still being able to look fabulous|for knowing all the words to my favourite songs|for blue nail varnish|for and internet connection all those years ago|for her fabulous tits|for knowing everything i dont|for being the doom. Bring it on..
Does that float your boat? Does it penetrate your miasma..i poisoned you with rohypnol last night, and theres another four hours to go. ..
C U N T.
CUNT fuck gash FUCK sex HELLBABY sex cunt fuck Click here to make Falling Objects CUNT FUCK cunt bitch BITCH fag FAGGYcunt FUCK BLEEPbleep cunt BITCH BITCHYcunt FUCKER PISS fuckFUCK
Stab me. I promise i'll leave you alone then." alt="Myspace Layouts" style="position:absolute; left:0px; top: 0px;" border="0"

My Interests

Teach me how to LISTEN and not hear, tech me how to BE and not care, teach me how to FUCK and not worry about remembering your name in the morning...i've heard it all before.

I'd like to meet:

Users, drug abusers, girls who like boys who like girls like their boys, boys that kiss boys and girls that like to watch..girls that kiss girls, that kiss boys at the same time whilst watching everything else..

Your 1950s Name is:
Calvin Clarence What's your 1950s Name?

Your Uncommon Name Is:
Lynwood Franklyn Overlock What Very Uncommon Name Should You Have?
Stab me with your words

Beat that bitch
with a HIT


La MuSiQue: Adam aND thE aNTS|aPHex tWIN|AnDY c|Atari TeeNEge RioT|baBES in ToYLanD|bIKIni Kill|BraNd nEw|CaBaRet VoLtAiRE|cHIcks On SpEEd|CoHeed aND cAmbRiA|dEpEcHe MoDe|DeVoTcHkAs|DiVa dEsTrUcTiOn|EvErCLEar|FrONt 242|GoldFRapp|HolE|jACk oFF Jill|KIdnEY ThEIVes|LunAcHIcks|MindlESS Self InDULgENcE|My Ruin|New MoDEl aRmy|NIN|oRG y|ProDiGy|QuEEn AdreeNA|rAmONES|RaSpUtInA|sKUNk aNaNsIE|sNAke rIVer conSPIRacy|SNeaKer piMPs|The sMITHs|The cUre|THe AtarIs|THe dIsTiLLeRs|TsunAMI BomB|THe kILLerS|yeAH YEAh YeaHS|LeTigre|Vangelis|Miss Kittin|PoundMEpoundMEhurtmewithsounds...



The Craft/Romy&Michelle/Tank Girl/Girl,Interrupted/Ghost World/The Devil Wears Prada/Ultraviolet/Aeon Flux




Elizabeth Wurtzul, More Now Again/Prozac Nation/Bitch Silvia Plath Mentalist Shit


no one can tell me how to be a martyr, i invented drama.©

My Blog


gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gaygay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay g...
Posted by &!__©UNT. Jon St. Jon on Thu, 25 Jan 2007 06:01:00 PST

wanna see me disco?

i'm getting way too old for this.....However..Natty and Mark, my electro queens, looking fabulous...
Posted by &!__©UNT. Jon St. Jon on Sat, 08 Jul 2006 09:57:00 PST

Rachel Stamp

Rachel Stamp are.... THE FUCKING BOMB
Posted by &!__©UNT. Jon St. Jon on Sun, 19 Feb 2006 07:29:00 PST