†666Twisted Romance666† profile picture

†666Twisted Romance666†

I am here for Friends

About Me

This profile was edited with Thomas' Myspace Editor V3.2
†Ok Ummm Errrr hmmmm *thinks* well im quite an indevidual I dress gothic,Iv bin a goth for 6years now!†Ummm im quite outgoing and always up for a laugh and im slightley insain aswell.† . †I have a small group who friends who I love to bits.†
You are... Jack Skellington! You're quirky, yet
dignified, with an insatiable craving for new
things. Everyone's attracted to your magnetic
personality, but at times the attention makes
you feel stifled. Despite the respect you get,
you never feel that anyone really understands
you. Don't let it get to you - your kindred
spirit may be right under your nose!
Which Nightmare Before Christmas character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Name: Sophiekate Minhinnett
Birthday: 20/3/88
Birthplace: Barnstaple
Current Location: Bideford
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Hair Color: Black
Height: 5ft
Right Handed or Left Handed: Right
Your Heritage: ?
The Shoes You Wore Today: Moonbootys
Your Weakness: Puppydog Eyes
Your Fears: Gasmasks,Jelly Fish,Clowns,Injections
Your Perfect Pizza: Lots Of Chargrilled Chicken And Vegtables
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: Get A Job
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: Lol -Everyone Does =oP
Thoughts First Waking Up: Cant Wait Till I Go Away With My Bf,I Love Him So Much
Your Best Physical Feature: Hmmm My Eyes
Your Bedtime: When I Feel Sweepy
Your Most Missed Memory: When I Used To Hang Out With My Two Old Best Mates =o(
Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi
MacDonalds or Burger King: Macdonalds
Single or Group Dates: Depends ....Both
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Ewww
Chocolate or Vanilla: CHOCOLATE
Cappuccino or Coffee: Coffee
Do you Smoke: Giving Up !
Do you Swear: Yeah To Much
Do you Sing: Yes And I Feel Sorry For The Ppl Who Live With Me!
Do you Shower Daily: Yes Or Bath
Have you Been in Love: YES
Do you want to go to College: Im There ATM
Do you want to get Married: YES DEFFINITLEY
Do you belive in yourself: Sometimes
Do you get Motion Sickness: NOPE
Do you think you are Attractive: Not At All
Are you a Health Freak: Not Really
Do you get along with your Parents: Yes
Do you like Thunderstorms: Hell Yeah There Prittyful
Do you play an Instrument: Yes Indeedy
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: YEAH
In the past month have you Smoked: No YAY Going Strong
In the past month have you been on Drugs: Hmm Why Would Anyone Answer That !
In the past month have you gone on a Date: Depends On What Counts As A Date
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: Nope We Dont Have Them Down Here
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: I Wish I Love Them YUMMY
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: Ewww No Thats Horrible
In the past month have you been on Stage: Nope
In the past month have you been Dumped: Nearley =o(
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: No But Tht Would Be Well Fun
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: Why Would Anyone Answer That Anyway Im a Angel ;o)
Ever been Drunk: YES To Many Times
Ever been called a Tease: Think So ?
Ever been Beaten up: Yes =o(
Ever Shoplifted: Again Why Would Anyone Answer That
How do you want to Die: Peacefully In My Sleep With My Loved Ones By My Side Or With My Hubby Together
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: Dress Maker And One Day Own My Own Clothes Shop
What country would you most like to Visit: Iv Got 2 Florida Again And Italy
Number of Drugs I have taken: Again With The Stupid Question
Number of CDs I own: To Many To Count
Number of Piercings: 16
Number of Tattoos: None Yet Getting One Soon Tho =o)
Number of things in my Past I Regret: 1 Hurting My Bf Last Summer Being A Complete And Utter Bitch To Him ='o(
CREATE YOUR OWN! - or - GET PAID TO TAKE SURVEYS!†MY LIKES† - †Pentagrames† †Huggels† †Night Times† †*Stars*(In the sky at night)† †Fishnet† †Mesh† †Pvc† †Lace† †Velvite† †Leather† † Roses † †New Rock Boots† †Kisses† †Handcuffs† †Waist Clenchers† †Water Fights† †Drunken Nights At Parks† †Drunk Truth Or Dare -lol;oP† †Blk Make Up†Blk Nail Varnish†White Face Powder† †Spikes(Dog Collers†Cuffs†Rings†Claw Rings†Belts†Earings† † Skulls † †Collectable Dragons† †Living Dead Doll† †Lamps(Any Wierd Ones)† †Bats†Dogs†Hammys(R.I.P)†WereWolfs†Wolfs†Crows† Snow Leopards† †Vamps† †Pieceings† †Tats† †Wearing mens shirts and tops† †Exmoor†Dartmoor†Exeter†Florida†London† †Photography† †Alcahole† †Moon Booteys† †Hair Dye† †Eyes† †Victorian Related Stuff(clothing)† †Wicca† †Pagans†Emos†Goths†Anakists†Punks†Metal Heads†Indeviduals† †Paranormal† †Mp3 Player†C.D Player†Portable Dvd Player†Mobil† †DVDs†Vids† †Love† †Cartoons† †-RANDOMISITY-† †Art(Drawing†Painting†Making Stuff)† †The Colours Blk+Red† †Friends † †Beaches I am 76% Emo.
. Holy gee whilikers... I am as emo as it gets... I will try to cheer the heck up and stop wiping my nose on my sweater... Take the
Emo Test
@ FualiDotCom †I am 95% Goth.
. 24-7 I am a freak. Every day is halloween. The creatures of the night fear me. Take the
Goth Test
@ FualiDotCom†WHAT SINKS MY BOAT† - †Chavs†Townies†Boy Racers† †Two Timers† †Arogent Ppl† †Sterotypical Ppl† †Women Beaters† †Domestic Violence† †The Wind† †Being Lonley† †Arguments† †Painful Memories(R.I.P-Randy(my nickname4him))† †My Scars='o(† †Being In Pain† †Hurting Ppl† †Getting Hurt† †Being Walk All Over† †Being Used† †Seeing My Friends Upset† †Violence† †Bullying† †Re-Growth† †Mirrors† †Norms† †Rude Bus Drivers(Grrr)† †Rude Ppl† †Bright Colours† †Pollution† †Animal Cruelty† †Child Cruelty† †Having Issues† †People Who Change†
Find out which Simpson you are at star-girl.org!body{font-family:chiller, arial, times new roman;background-color:000000;background-image:url(http://rd s.yahoo.com/S=96062883/K=horror+movies/v=2/SID=e/TID=I019_83 /l=IVI/SIG=12nms2d4c/EXP=1109809126.r{}

My Interests

†Wicca,Paranormal,Extreme Sports,Writing Poetry/Horrer Novels/Songs,Art,Ps2,Gigs,Playing My Drums,Singing,Counselling ppl/helping ppl out when there in need,.†
Find out which drug you are @ star-girl.org! Look At All My GROOVY Friendies SAZZY GUY MAZ LEEBEE KAZ
You are a DOG! You are kind and happy and have
many friends. You are loyal and everyone
trusts you. The dog shown above is a
bloodhound. To see what breed of dog you
are, check out my other quiz.

What Animal Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
dark and evil but still a human being you can
be hurt and you have but you suck it up and
play with your bats personally i think your
the best off you have enough confidence to
try and hide it and enough too keep your
emotions under control and to not do
something stupid keep it up you'll be fine

Which little Goth Girl are you? (PICTURES)

I'd like to meet:

†Erm *Thinks* Hmm Well Famous People Christina Scabbia Shes So SEXY ,Jenifer Tilly YUMMY YUMMY ,An Oompa Loompa ,Marcel De Jong, The Suiside Girls , EminEm.....Crap My Brain Just Died =o|† Dani Filth Is SEXAY R.I.P ='o( M Shadows Is So HOT Music Video Codes By VideoCodesFree


†Death/Thrash/Heavy/Blk Metal,Emo,Screamo,Gothpunk Bands- , ,F4af,Atreyu ,My Chemical Romance ,Opeth ,Machine Head, , ,Taking Back Sunday ,Killswitch Engage,36 Crazyfists ,Rob Zombie,Alice Cooper, ,Placebo,Slipknot,Lacuna Coil,Nevermore,Drowning Pool,My Ruin,KoRn,Slayer,Sugarcult, Darkthrone,Arch Enemy, ,Cypress Hill,D12 ,The Rasmus,Nile, Anthrax,Prodigy,Faith No More,Pantera,Gary Numan,Mortis, ,Misfits,DimmuBorgir,Nightwish,Aerosmith ,Iron Maiden,Venom,Static X,Chimaira, And Many Many More.† .. make

MySpace Editor Rasheed Richmond


I Love Horror/Gore/Vamp/Sci-fi Movies and I also like the odd comidy The Crow is my most favourate film of all time Scary Movie(all) Jackass Freddy Vs Jason Nightmare Before Christmas Batman Beetlejuice 8Mile Star Wars The Phantom Of The Opera Charlie And The Chocolate Factory Childs Play 1,2,3,Bride Of Chucky,Seed Of Chucky The Candy Man Texas Chainsaw Massacre Finding Nemo Madagascar A Clockwork Orange Silence Of The Lambs House Of 1000 Corpses Hellraiser(all) Children Of The Corn(all) The Little Shop Of Horrors The Rocky Horror Picture Show Alien(all), Corpse Bride Pulp Fiction Saw -- Marvin Is So CUTE ! And Theres many,many more......... .. make

MySpace Editor Rasheed Richmond


Scuzz,Mtv2,Suger Rush,The Simpsons,Family Guy,Little Britian,Jackass,Wildboys,Stargate SG,Ren And Stimpy,Stacked,The Young Ones, Every Body Hates Cris.


†Anything by Stephan King Novels And Anne Rice,Spell book mags-Metal Hammer,Terroriser,Metal Maniacs,Rock Sound.† Online Status Icons /a


†EminEm, Brandon Lee R.I.P, Cristina Scabbia, Dani Filth, My Mom The Bravest Women Eva, Kaz for being there since I was 3 also supporting me and making our selfs laugh so much it hurtsHANDY MAN FEED ME ! Guy is great I can talk to him about my probs and vise verser and we have our crazy sayings and we always have a laugh Carl i havnt known him for very long but we automatically clicked and it feels like weve known each other for years, he has helped me climb one of the biggest hurdels in my life and with out him i wouldnt be here today. *~ NEVER FORGET~* And Last but not least Shibby has become a very close mate to me ever since I tlked to her at the bus stop and now we are two fruit loops hehe and we are deffo fruity lol and i miss her so much :'( †.. $OPH$ LOVES :MY TRUE FRIENDS !!!! - These Are My Amazing Buddys They Are Always There For Me When I Need Them And I Love Them All So Much
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My Blog

Making some of the happiest memories

I have been thinking a lot recentley I have desided to make the most of time I have left with my college mates so on friday I went out with all my mates to say good bye to the Amazingness th...
Posted by 666Twisted Romance666 on Sun, 04 Mar 2007 02:13:00 PST


I FINALLY GOT A Wii  YAY ! I got it a few weeks ago as the one i was supposed to get at xmas never turned up! Its so much fun and my mates love playing on it with me. Me and Leebee are trying to ...
Posted by 666Twisted Romance666 on Sat, 10 Feb 2007 08:32:00 PST


woap woap i saw block party live last night it was excellent i never thought there would be a mosh pit as rough as there was though 'bouncey bouncey'. i got squished a bit but i gave as good as i got....
Posted by 666Twisted Romance666 on Thu, 08 Feb 2007 09:42:00 PST

feeling all icky

ewww i feel all icky i dunno what persessed to go into college today coz that made me feel ten times worse. Grrrrrr well im done complaining now im gonna go curl up in a ball with my hot water bottle ...
Posted by 666Twisted Romance666 on Thu, 18 Jan 2007 08:57:00 PST


i had the greatest weekend i went exeter xmas shopping twice and got totally wasted aswell. and i spend the whole weekend end with the people i love the most except my big sis who i miss so so so much...
Posted by 666Twisted Romance666 on Wed, 22 Nov 2006 12:30:00 PST


Wow i cant beleave that im married it feels so wierd My weddding day was perfect it couldnt of been any better it ws just like a dream. i woke up at 7 staggered down to breakfast with crystal got the ...
Posted by 666Twisted Romance666 on Sat, 11 Nov 2006 12:49:00 PST

barny fair

Last Thursday night I went to the fair with Crystal,Sioban,Beth A,Guy and Beths sister. It was so fun I went on all the high rides I even went on Roter which I hate and I nearley fell asleep...
Posted by 666Twisted Romance666 on Sun, 17 Sep 2006 08:21:00 PST

Fun weekend

On Friday Lee and myself got our wedding rings :) and I got a dance mat lol well u no gotta keep fit :D then on friday night I went out down town with Madason,Crystal and Leebee :D it was so fun ...
Posted by 666Twisted Romance666 on Sun, 03 Sep 2006 03:11:00 PST


Yay im going on a Day out shopping in Barny with my my mates today havnt seen very many ppl in the summer hols so gotta make up for it lol I love all my mateys so much There are all so smexy...
Posted by 666Twisted Romance666 on Thu, 24 Aug 2006 02:48:00 PST

saturday night sunday afternoon

Saturday night was fun I got a wee bit pissed and saw loads of ppl I knew. It was so busy down town I prefere Fridays because you dont get ppl stepping on your feet and pushing you over...
Posted by 666Twisted Romance666 on Mon, 21 Aug 2006 06:18:00 PST