D' profile picture


Gloomerati Exemplar

About Me

I write and produce music.
I also help run an independent record label. I just moved from Denver to New York City in March of 2008. This event has upturned my life completely, I've left behind friends as close as family to me to move to a city I don't know. Fiercely independent, quick witted, and contemptuous I dislike most people. Fortunately, I realize the necessity of accepting those I don't necessarily respect. Everyone has a purpose is this world.

I'm the main music writer behind a few bands, past and present. I've also been busy writing music for some independent films and tv.The album for Divine Reich is complete! Pick it up today.
Divine Reich: An American Tragedy

Buy the CD
Buy digital download
iTunes | Rhapsody | emusic

Royal Dead 's new album is out now too, I mixed and produced it for them.

Royal Dead: Enough Noise to Wake the Dead

Buy the CD
Buy digital download
iTunes | Amazon | Rhapsody | emusic

I'm also continuing to do remixes and film and tv instrumental work.
Check my website for more information on my music and for contacting about business matters.

My Interests

History, surrealist art, experimental music, audio design, films, philosophy, traveling, violence for the people, and cooking.

Hmmm...want more?

Absinthe, beethoven, blade runner, bob fosse, bourbon, burlesque, caffeine, cheese, cheesey horror movies, chuck palahniuk, clive barker, combat boots, cyberpunk, disinformation, eastern religion, edward gorey, egyptology, electrical tape, ethiopian food, existentialism, femme fatales, film noir, floria sigismondi, friedrich nietzsche, guitars, h.p. lovecraft, inventing trends, korean food, kubrick, lowbrow art, middle eastern food, mozart, naan bread, neo-noir, new orleans, nihilism, occult books, oscar wilde, philip k. dick, psychology, reflection, russ meyer, scotch, secret societies, serial killers, solzhenitsyn, sushi, tattoos, uniforms, vintage synthesizers, vodka, wagner, world domination, yoga, zombies

I'd like to meet:

Open-minded intelligent people who have quirky interests. Whatever you do, please don't be boring. If you're in a band, message me to check out your music. I have band adds disabled by default just to cut down on the amount of spammy adds that I get but I will add you if you talk to me.

People who can't think for themselves can harass someone else. I don't have to agree with your opinions/beliefs but you'd better have something to back them up with. I don't really care what scene you belong to, I don't believe in restricting myself to just one option.
I'm married to the wonderful Meltdown ! Sorry boys and girls. If you have received a friend request from me it's because I'm networking, I'm not on here to "hook-up" with anyone.
Add requests/comments/messages
Please read if you are writing me.
I do read them and I try to respond to them all but sometimes it's impossible for me to get to all of them. I do my best though and I appreciate all the compliments and kind words. It truely makes being an artist that much more rewarding knowing that people out there enjoy my music.

If you're going to promote your band/event/whatever in my comments, please don't do it every week.

My bands:
Deviant (2002-2006) Divine Reich (2004-2007) And..my super secret mystery projects! (okay, not super secret we just don't have names yet).
If you read this far down I'm impressed, most people on MySpace have short attention spans. Please add my record label's profile as well if you are adding me (link above). It would make me a happy like a lad in the girl's locker room.
If you are in band and want to add me or have me listen to your tracks, just message me.
My top friends are all friends from real life and I love them.
Voice Comments:
Call and leave your confession.

You've added me, now leave me a message!


Ladytron, Kidney Thieves, Nine Inch Nails, David Bowie, Gary Numan, The Clash, Guns N' Fucking Roses, Grinderman, Aphex Twin, Iggy Pop, Portishead... dear god I could go on for hours. Old school punk and industrial are staples but I pretty much listen to anything and everything except fluff and crap. What is classified as "fluff and crap"? Music I don't listen to of course. I hold originality and solid melodic construction above all else.


The Godfather movies, Dune, Lost Highway, Mullholland Drive, The Machinist, Memento, Evil Dead series (the best B movie series made IMHO), almost any mafia movie. I'm in love with Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.
Pretty much any Tarantino, Lynch, or Cronenberg flick. Especially Lynch and Cronenberg who are my favorite two directors.
I love films, but I hate 99.9% of television.


The Sopranos, Deadwood, Heroes, Dexter. That's about it for TV, I try not to watch anything else.
I abhor reality TV but wouldn't be opposed to starring in my own show.


Clive Barker's Books of Blood, Nietzche's Beyond Good and Evil. No Beginning, No End: The Intimate Heart of Zen. Bowie: Loving the Alien. Twilight of the Idols. The Idiot

More recently:
Simulacra and Simulation
Thus Spake Zarathustra
The Picture of Dorian Gray
The Dirt:Motley Crue


My parents.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Yi Soon shin. Those with the ambition to make more of themselves.

My Blog

Big Red Button

Who wouldn't want a big red button to hit?This nifty little gadget is the Sync2 from Mungo Enterprises lets you start and stop sequencers in sync while leaving your master clock running.  This is...
Posted by D' on Mon, 02 Jun 2008 08:28:00 PST

Arcade styled midi controller

No I haven't been swallowed whole by NYC and become a suit wearing wall street stiff.  I've just been busy busy busy, everything takes longer out here despite everyone moving faster so it's left ...
Posted by D' on Thu, 15 May 2008 06:44:00 PST

Royal Dead in Ol’ Skool Rodz

My buddies Royal Dead have a review in issue 28 of Ol' Skool Rodz, in stores now!The CD is available at any live show or through any of the following links!Royal Dead: Enough Noise to Wake the Dead Bu...
Posted by D' on Sat, 12 Apr 2008 05:03:00 PST

Dance music and compression

For those of you writing electronic music there are some tricks of the trade that will help your track sound a little better. Besides the obvious arrangement tricks, compression is a very important t...
Posted by D' on Fri, 04 Jan 2008 11:03:00 PST

christmas shopping

Christmas shopping sucks. Stupid lines, rude people, bad parking and you can never find what you're looking for. I'm trying to avoid spending too much this year and primarily shopping for the kids w...
Posted by D' on Mon, 17 Dec 2007 06:44:00 PST

The Electronium

Here's a little machine with some history to it.Raymond Scott's Electronium. Probably best known for writing the song "Powerhouse" Raymond Scott became more and more interested in electronic...
Posted by D' on Wed, 12 Dec 2007 09:43:00 PST

new album out, get it!

My latest work, Divine Reich: An American Tragedy, is now available for purchase.It's a mixture of sunset strip sleaze and hard-edged glitch. Aggressive rock with an electro-glam beat.Divine Reich: An...
Posted by D' on Wed, 05 Dec 2007 10:36:00 PST

Distributed Audio

This is pretty cool and almost makes me want to buy some Macs (almost). Logic Pro 7 has the ability to distribute audio processing across multiple computers using ethernet. This means you have have ...
Posted by D' on Wed, 14 Nov 2007 08:48:00 PST

Wake the Dead

On Wednesday Royal Dead came over to the studio for final mixing tweaks to their album, "Enough Noise to Wake the Dead". Once the artwork comes in we'll have a final listen to and then I'll get the p...
Posted by D' on Fri, 21 Sep 2007 12:17:00 PST

A look back on the genius of ATR

One of the last truly "dangerous" bands, today's crop of bands with their faux rebellion could only dream to achieve what Atari Teenage Riot delivered.Musically and politically radical for their time ...
Posted by D' on Wed, 05 Sep 2007 01:58:00 PST