Johnny Depp profile picture

Johnny Depp


About Me

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Myspace LayoutsI was Born in Kentucky and raised in Florida, I had the kind of upbringing that would readily lend itself to my future portrayals of brooding lost boys. After my parents divorced when I was 16, I dropped out of school a year later in the hopes of making my way in the world as a musician. I fronted a series of garage bands; the most successful of these, The Kids, was once the opening act for Iggy Pop. During slack times in the music business, I sold pens by phone. I got introduced to acting after a visit to L.A. with my former wife, who introduced me to actor Nicolas Cage, who encouraged me to give it a try. I was a young actor and I made my film debut in 1984's A Nightmare on Elm Street (years after attaining stardom, I sentimentally played a cameo in the last of the Elm Street series), and I started my climb to fame and accelerated in 1987, when I replaced Jeff Yagher in the role of undercover cop Tommy Hanson in the Canadian-filmed TV series 21 Jump Street. Biding my time in "teen heartthrob" roles, I was first given a chance to exhibit my exhausting versatility in the title role of Tim Burton's fantasy Edward Scissorhands. Following the success of Edward Scissorhands, I made a conscious and successful effort never to repeat himself in any subsequent characterizations. I continued to gain critical acclaim and increasing popularity for my work, most notably in Benny Joon (1993), in which I played a troubled young man who fancies himself the reincarnation of Charlie Chaplin and Buster Keaton, and What's Eating Gilbert Grape (1993), which casted me as its title character, a young man dissatisfied with the confines of his small-town life. Following Gilbert Grape, I outdid myself in Burton's Ed Wood (1994), with my outrageous but lovable portrayal of the angora-sweater-worshipping World's Worst Film Director. The same year, I further exercised my versatility playing a 19th century accountant in Dead Man, Jim Jarmusch's otherworldly Western. With my excellent portrayal of the titular undercover FBI agent in Mike Newell's 1997 Donnie Brasco, I continued to ascend the Hollywood ranks. After a starring turn as Hunter S. Thompson's alter ego in Terry Gilliam's trippy adaptation of -Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (1998), I tried my hand at sci-fi horror with The Astronaut's Wife in 1999. That same year, I again collaborated with Burton on Sleepy Hollow, starring as a prim, driven Ichabod Crane in the remake of Washington Irving's classic tale of gothic terror. Appearing the following year in the small but popular romantic drama Chocolat, I jumped back into the big time with my role as real-life cocaine kingpin George Jung in Blow (2001) before gearing up for roles in the Jack the Ripper thriller From Hell (2001) and Robert Rodriguez's Once Upon a Time in Mexico (2003). In what was perhaps my most surprising departure since Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, I shed my oftentimes angst-ridden persona for a role as flamboyant pirate Jack Sparrow in 2003's Pirates of the Caribbean.

My Interests

My Full Name: John Christopher Depp IIMy Date of Birth: June 9, 1963My Birthplace: Owensboro, Kentucky, USA; raised mostly in Miramar, Florida.My Parents: John Christopher Depp and Betty Sue PalmerMy Siblings:Danny (also known as D.P. Depp) Christi (Dembrowski) DebbieMy Current Residence:I Own homes in Plan de la Tour (near Saint Tropez), France, and in Los Angeles, CA (USA). I Purchased a Caribbean island in 2004.My Partner: Vanessa Paradis (current), a popular singer, songwriter and actress in France.My Former Spouse: Lori Allison, 1983-1985 (divorced)My Children (with Vanessa Paradis):Lily-Rose Melody Depp, born May 27, 1999 John Christopher Depp III (Jack), born April 9, 2002 Musical Affiliations: Played as guitarist in bands including "The Kids", "Rock City Angels" and "P".My Business Affiliations: Long-time owner of the Viper Room nightclub in Los Angeles, though the club was reported sold in 2004. Also part-owner of the Man Ray restaurants in New York and Paris.My Production Company: Founded My own movie production company in 2004 called "Infinitum Nihil".

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To my fans and friends: I have joined the MySpace club. Why, you wonder? For the sole purpose of getting to "know" the people who already "know" me. I know it's a stretch to believe that any actors or actresses have accounts with MySpace, I'll give you that much. I myself am doubtful that many of the other celebrity profiles are authentic. I've noticed also that there are many other profiles under my name and I only hope that no one is being tricked into believing their creators. I will try my hardest to make sure that I read any comments and messages that I receive from my friends. I think it's rude to ignore people; however, the amount of mail I have been receiving has gotten a bit overwhelming however I will always reply. I value your trust, and friendship dearly, and I would never do anything to jeapordize it.. I LOVE MY FANS AND FRIENDS, AND LOOKING FORWARD TO MAKING NEW FRIENDS ON MYSPACE.....


"Anything I've done up till 27 May, 1999 was kind of an illusion, existing without living. My daughter, the birth of my daughter, gave me life."On the money I make: "You use your money to buy privacy because during most of your life you aren't allowed to be normal.""I don't pretend to be captain weird. I just do what I do.""One of the most incredible moments I've ever had was sitting in Vincent [Price]'s trailer... I was showing him this first-edition book I have of the complete works of Poe, with really amazing illustrations. Vincent was going nuts over the drawings, and he started talking about 'The Tomb of Ligeia.' Then he closed the book and began to recite it to me in this beautiful voice, filling the room with huge sounds. Such passion! I looked in the book later, and it was verbatim. Word perfect. It was a great moment. I'll never forget that.""The only creatures that are evolved enough to convey pure love are dogs and infants.""I was ecstatic when they re-named 'French Fries' as 'Freedom Fries.' Grown men and women in positions of power in the U.S. government showing themselves as idiots.""America is dumb. It's like a dumb puppy that has big teeth that can bite and hurt you, aggressive. My daughter is four, my boy is one. I'd like them to see America as a toy, a broken toy. Investigate it a little, check it out, get this feeling and then get out.""Taken in context, what I was saying was that, compared to Europe, America is a very young country and we are still growing as a nation. It is a shame that the metaphor I used was taken so radically out of context and slung about irresponsibly by the news media. There was no anti-American sentiment. In fact, it was just the opposite. I am an American. I love my country and have great hopes for it. It is for this reason that I speak candidly and sometimes critically about it. I have benefited greatly from the freedom that exists in my country and for this I am eternally grateful.""France and the whole of Europe have a great culture and an amazing history. Most important thing though is that people there know how to live! In America they've forgotten all about it. I'm afraid that the American culture is a disaster."On my character in the film Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003): "Captain Jack Sparrow is like a cross between Keith Richards and Pepe Le Pew.""I can remember when I finished 'Edward Scissorhands,' looking in the mirror as the girl was doing my make-up for the last time and thinking -- it was like the 90th or 89th day of shooting -- and I remember looking and going, 'Wow, this is it. I'm saying goodbye to this guy, I'm saying goodbye to Edward Scissorhands.' You know, it was kind of sad. But in fact, I think they're all still somehow in there.""With any part you play, there is a certain amount of yourself in it. There has to be, otherwise it's just not acting. It's lying.""The only gossip I'm interested in is things from the Weekly World News - 'Woman's bra bursts, 11 injured.' That kind of thing.""I'm an old-fashioned guy... I want to be an old man with a beer belly sitting on a porch, looking at a lake or something."When asked by James Lipton on _"Inside The Actor's Studio" (1987)_ what attracts him to funny hats: "I don't know, maybe I just read too much Dr. Seuss as a kid."After being asked if he is a romantic: "Am I a romantic? I've seen 'Wuthering Heights' ten times. I'm a romantic."Talking on the Sleepy Hollow (1999) set about what it was like being dragged behind a carriage in the woods: "I wasn't afraid of getting hurt. I was just afraid that the horses may relieve themselves on the journey.""I'm shy, paranoid, whatever word you want to use. I hate fame. I've done everything I can to avoid it.""When kids hit 1 year old, it's like hanging out with a miniature drunk. You have to hold onto them. They bump into things. They laugh and cry. They urinate. They vomit.""This is a rumor-filled society and if people want to sit around and talk about whom I've dated, then I'd say they have a lot of spare time and should consider other topics... or masturbation.""The character I've played, that I've responded to, there has been a lost-soul quality to them.""Sure, I find it touching, honestly, but awards are not as important to me as when I meet a 10-year-old kid who says, 'I love Captain Jack Sparrow' ... That's real magic for me.""The term 'serious actor' is kind of an oxymoron, isn't it? [Like] 'Republican party' [or] 'airplane food.'""On a film you start to get closer and closer with the people you're working with, and it becomes like this circus act or this travelling family.""If you turn on the television and see the horrors that are happening to people in the world right now, I think there's no better time to strive to have some kind of hope through imagination. I think it's a time to close your eyes and try to make a change, or at least hope to make a change, or we're going to explode.""I suppose nowadays it's all a question of surgery, isn't it? Of course the notion is beautiful, the idea of staying a boy and a child forever, and I think you can. I have known plenty of people who, in their later years, had the energy of children and the kind of curiosity and fascination with things like little children. I think we can keep that, and I think it's important to keep that part of staying young. But I also think it's great fun growing old.""All the little films I've done that were perceived by Hollywood as these obscure, weird things, I always thought could appeal to a larger audience. I mean, box office is such a mystery to me that I can't... you know... I have enough -trouble doing my own gig. "[When asked why I hide my box office good looks behind strange wigs, fake teeth, and girly squeals] "I think it's an actor's responsibility to change every time. Not only for himself and the people he's working with, but for the audience. If you just go out and deliver the same dish every's meatloaf'd get bored. I'd get bored."We had been shooting Charlie for about a month, and I was beginning to get nervous because there weren't any phone calls. I called my agent and asked, Has no one called from the studio to complain or say, 'Hey, what's he doing?' or 'Hey, he's freaking us out?' And when she said no, I thought, 'Christ, I'm not doing enough! Something's wrong!' Then some of the studio brass came over to the set, and they were sitting in my trailer and I was all decked out as Wonka with the little bangs. And I just had to know. So I said, 'Okay, who was the first one, when you started seeing the dailies, that got a little worried?' And there was this beautiful 30-second silence. And [Warner Bros. president] Alan Horn finally said, 'Yeah, that was me.' I felt better instantly.[on Gene Wilder's comment on the remake of Willy Wonka] "Hearing about that was disappointing, but I can understand where he's coming from, I guess. The one thing I didn't understand was that apparently he was quoted as saying 'Well, they just did this for money.' Well, hey, man, where have you been? When didn't they ever do anything for money? Nobody's ever made a film in the history of cinema where they weren't expecting some return on their dough."My daughter, Lily-Rose: "I see this amazing, beautiful, pure angel-thing wake up in the morning, and nothing can touch that. She is the only reason to wake up in the morning, the only reason to take a breath. Everything else is checkers.""He can ask me everything. If he wants me to have sex with an aardvark in one of his next movies, then I will do that." - on director Tim Burton.[Ny reactions to his directorial debut] "You know what was traumatizing, what was very, very strange in terms of this film I directed a few years back called The Brave. Well, I guess I wouldn't say traumatizing, but I would say weird: at the premiere of the film the reception of it was beyond any expectation that I had. I had no idea I'd be looking at Bertolucci or Antonioni sitting there watching my film. And then to receive the applause that my film got, it was so incredible. And then the next day the majority of the American press, just turn it into this horrible thing. Once again, everybody is entitled to their opinion, man. Maybe it's a bad film? Maybe it's a good film? To me it's just a film. It's something I needed to make.""I started out as a guitarist in the early Eighties. I hooked up with a guy who idolized James Dean and he gave me a copy of the Dean biography, 'The Mutant King', which I thought was really interesting. While reading the book, I watched Rebel Without a Cause (1955), and I thought, 'Wow, this guy really has something', and I was hooked. I wasn't really into acting at the time - but James Dean was the catalyst.""I don't have a mental picture of the houses we lived in because there were so many."[On my being an uncle] My sister Christi had a baby when I was 17, and I had just heard about crib death. The horrible thing was that it wasn't understood. For some unknown reason the baby would stop breathing. So I would sneak into where the baby was sleeping and put my hand in her crib, hold her little finger, and I'd sleep on the floor like that. It was stupid, I'm sure. But I thought the warmth of my hand might help, that maybe if she felt my pulse it would remind her to breathe.Marlon Brando is maybe the greatest actor of the last two centuries. But his mind is much more important than the acting thing. The way that he looks at things, doesn't judge things, the way that he assesses things. He's as important as, uh... who's important today? Jesus, not many people... Stephen Hawking!There's nothing - you know - nothing else like music. Nothing that touches us on that, uh, that deep level. Music can open up so many emotions that we didn't know we had. It's the magical thing about musicals, you know, on the stage or on film or whatever. Love songs. They work so well because music touches us, emotionally, where words alone can't."As a teenager I was so insecure. I was the type of guy that never fitted in because he never dared to choose. I was convinced I had absolutely no talent at all. For nothing. And that thought took away all my ambition too.""Well, there was a great book I read. . . . What was it called? Sodomy and the Pirate Tradition. A very interesting book. I wasn't exactly going for that with the character. And Keith is not flamboyant in his actions. Keith is pretty stealth. But with Jack, it was more that I liked the idea of being ambiguous, of taking this character and making everything a little bit . . . questionable. Because women were thought to be bad luck on ships. And these pirates would go out for years at a time. So, you know, there is a possibility that one thing might lead to another." [when asked by Rolling Stone if there is a "gay undercurrent" to his portrayal of Captain Jack Sparrow in the Pirates of the Caribbean movies]"Marlon wanted me to escape movies for a while - 'Take a year off. Go on. Study Shakespeare.' So it's one of the things that keep ricocheting around in my head. He told me that by the time he had got to the point where he felt he could do Hamlet, it was too late. So he said, 'Do it now, do it while you can.' And I would like to do it - although it's one of the more frightening ideas I've had. I think as an actor it is good to feel the fear of failing miserably. I think you should take that risk. Fear is a necessary ingredient in everything I do. But if I do Hamlet it will probably be in a small theater on a small stage and it will have to be very, very soon because I'm getting a little long in the tooth for it."


Shantaram (2008) ] A Long Way Down (2007) Sweeney Todd (2008) I Am Legend (2007) The Rum Diary (2008) In Search of Ted Demme (2005)on Film (2006) Pirates of the Caribbean 3 (2007)Capturing 'The Libertine' (2006) "Late Show with David Letterman: (2006-06-29)" (2006) TV Episode Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (2006) Pirates of the Caribbean: Legend of Jack Sparrow (2006) (Deep Sea 3D (2006) "Taff: (2006-01-11)" (2006) TV Episode The 32nd Annual People's Choice Awards (2006) "The Film Programme: (2005-12-29)" (2005) TV Episode "At the Movies: (2005-11-17)" (2005) TV Episode "Corazón de...: (2005-11-14)" (2005) TV Episode "GMTV: (2005-11-11)" (2005) TV Episode Attack of the Squirrels! (2005) (V) Wonka] 3rd Irish Film and Television Awards (2005) (TV) "Magacine: (2005-10-28)" (2005) TV Episode "The Film Programme: (2005-10-17)" (2005) TV Episode "Magacine: (2005-09-16)" (2005) TV Episode "Corazón de...: (2005-09-12)" (2005) TV Episode "HBO First Look: Tim Burton's Corpse Bride" (2005) TV Episode Corpse Bride (2005) [Actor .... Victor Van Dort] (voice) ... aka Tim Burton's Corpse Bride (Singapore: English title) (USA: complete title) "Getaway: (#14.29)" (2005) TV Episode "Rove Live: (#6.29)" (2005) TV Episode The Wonderful World of Roald Dahl (2005) (TV) "Ahora: (2005-07-23)" (2005) TV Episode "Today: (2005-07-19)" (2005) TV Episode Becoming Oompa-Loompa (2005) (V) [Actor .... Willy Wonka] 10 Most Excellent Things: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005) (TV) "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno: (2005-07-13)" (2005) TV Episode It Came from Baltimore (2005) (V) "Today: (2005-07-11)" (2005) TV Episode Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005) ... aka Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: The IMAX Experience (USA: IMAX version) Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005) (VG) [Extra Special Thanks] "HBO First Look: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" (2005) TV Episode Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards '05 (2005) (TV) Finding Neverland: On the Red Carpet (2005) (V) 'Finding Neverland': The Making of (2005) (V) The Magic of 'Finding Neverland' (2005) (V) The 77th Annual Academy Awards (2005) (TV) - Nominee: Best Actor in a Leading Role] 11th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards (2005) (TV) The 62nd Annual Golden Globe Awards (2005) (TV) - Nominee: Best Actor in a Motion Picture [Drama> Tsunami Aid: A Concert of Hope (2005) (TV) The 31st Annual People's Choice Awards (2005) (TV) Happy Birthday, Peter Pan (2005) (TV) "The Oprah Winfrey Show: (2004-11-02)" (2004) TV Episode "The Film Programme: (2004-10-25)" (2004) TV Episode The Libertine (2004) [Actor .... Rochester] Finding Neverland (2004) [Actor .... Sir James Matthew Barrie] Secret Window: A Look Through It (2004) (V) Secret Window: From Book to Film (2004) (V) The Buried Secret of M. Night Shyamalan (2004) (TV) "Comme au cinéma: (2004-06-22)" (2004) TV Episode 2004 MTV Movie Awards (2004) (TV) Ils se marièrent et eurent beaucoup d'enfants (2004) [Actor .... L'inconnu] ... aka ...And They Lived Happily Ever After (International: English title) "King of the Hill: Hank's Back (#8.20)" (2004) TV Episode [Actor .... Yogi Victor] (voice) "Richard & Judy: (2004-04-22)" (2004) TV Episode Secret Window (2004) [Actor .... Mort Rainey] "On-Air with Ryan Seacrest: (2004-03-01)" (2004) TV Episode The 76th Annual Academy Awards (2004) (TV) The 61st Annual Golden Globe Awards (2004) (TV) The Anti-Hero's Journey (2004) (V) [Actor .... Himself] The Good, the Bad & the Bloody: Inside KNB EFX (2004) (V) Diary of a Pirate (2003) (V) An Epic at Sea: The Making of 'Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl' (2003) (V) "God kveld Norge: (2003-09-13)" (2003) TV Episode Charlie: The Life and Art of Charles Chaplin (2003) "HBO First Look: Once Upon a Time in Mexico" (2003) TV Episode "4Pop: Maailman paras suomalainen musiikkivideo (#2.1)" (2003) TV Episode Once Upon a Time in Mexico (2003) [Actor .... Sands] [Composer] ("Sands' Theme") "The Brendan Leonard Show: Pirates (#1.20)" (2003) TV Episode pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003) [Actor .... Jack Sparrow] "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno: (2003-06-27)" (2003) TV Episode Breakfast with Hunter (2003) "20/20: Johnny Depp: The Ultimate Outsider" (2003) TV Episode Hunter Goes to Hollywood (2003) (V) "Bravo Profiles: Johnny Depp" (2003) TV Episode Diary of a Producer (2003) (V) Spirit of the Ride (2003) (V) "Secrets of Superstar Fitness" (2002) TV Series"Inside the Actors Studio: (#8.19)" (2002) TV Episode "Star Boulevard: (2002-04-29)" (2002) TV Episode Lost in La Mancha (2002) From Hell (2001) Blow (2001) "HBO First Look: From Hell" (2001) TV Episode A Tour of the Inferno: Revisiting 'Platoon' (2001) (V)A View from Hell (2001) (TV) [Actor .... "The Fast Show: The Last Ever Fast Show" (2000) TV Episode [Actor .... Himself] Chocolat (2000) [Actor .... Roux] [Musician: guitar] "The Rosie O'Donnell Show: (2000-12-15)" (2000) TV Episode [Actor .... Himself] Lowell Blues: The Words of Jack Kerouac (2000) Before Night Falls (2000) [Actor .... Lt. Victor] ... aka Antes que anochezca (USA: Spanish title) The Man Who Cried (2000) [Actor .... Cesar] ... aka The man who cried - Les larmes d'un homme (France) "Mundo VIP: Show nº196 (#5.8)" (2000) TV Episode In Bad Taste (2000) (TV)"The Rosie O'Donnell Show: (1999-11-19)" (1999) TV Episode Sleepy Hollow (1999) [Actor .... Constable Ichabod Crane] ... aka Sleepy Hollow (Germany) The Astronaut's Wife (1999) [Actor .... Commander Spencer Armacost] The Ninth Gate (1999) [Actor .... Dean Corso] ... aka Neuvième porte, La (France) ... aka Novena puerta, La (Spain) "The Vicar of Dibley: Red Nose Day Special (#3.0)" (1999) TV Episode "20 heures le journal: (1999-03-07)" (1999) TV Episode "Nuit des Césars, La: (1999-03-06)" (1999) TV Episode The Source (1999) [Actor .... Jack Kerouac] The Stars of 'Star Wars': Interviews from the Cast (1999) (V) L.A. Without a Map (1998) (uncredited) ... aka I Love L.A. (France) ... aka Los Angeles Without a Map Where It's At: The Rolling Stone State of the Union (1998) (TV) Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (1998) [Actor .... Raoul Duke] "The Charlie Rose Show: (1998-05-11)" (1998) TV Episode Town Meeting with Diane Sawyer: Celebrities vs. the Press (1997) (TV) The Brave (1997) [Actor .... Raphael] [Director] [Writer] (screenplay) Donnie Brasco (1997) [Actor .... Donnie Brasco/Joseph D. 'Joe' Pistone] "The Rosie O'Donnell Show: (1997-02-24)" (1997) TV Episode Cannes Man (1996) ... aka Canne$ Man (USA: video box title) ... aka Con Man (USA: DVD box title) "Showbiz Today: (1995-11-23)" (1995) TV Episode Nick of Time (1995) [Actor .... Gene Watson] Dead Man (1995) [Actor .... William Blake] ... aka Dead Man (Germany) ... aka Jim Jarmusch's Dead Man (USA) Don Juan DeMarco (1995) [Actor .... Don Juan] "Showbiz Today: (1995-04-05)" (1995) TV Episode [Actor .... Himself] "United States of Poetry" (1995) (mini) TV Series Ed Wood (1994) [Actor .... Ed Wood] The 66th Annual Academy Awards (1994) (TV) "Hey Hey, It's Saturday: (#23.12)" (1994) TV Episode What's Eating Gilbert Grape (1993) [Actor .... Gilbert Grape] Benny & Joon (1993) [Actor .... Sam] Arizona Dream (1993) [Actor .... Axel Blackmar] ... aka Arizona Dream (France) ... aka The Arrowtooth Waltz Idols (1991) (TV) Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare (1991) [Actor .... Teen on TV] (as Oprah Noodlemantra) ... aka A Nightmare on Elm Street 6 Edward Scissorhands (1990) [Actor .... Edward Scissorhands] In the Director's Chair: The Man Who Invented Edward Scissorhands (1990) (TV) [Actor .... Himself] "21 Jump Street: Blackout (#4.26)" (1990) TV Episode [Actor .... Officer Tom Hanson] "21 Jump Street: How I Saved the Senator (#4.23)" (1990) TV Episode [Actor .... Officer Tom Hanson] Cry-Baby (1990) [Actor .... Wade "Cry-Baby" Walker] "21 Jump Street: Last Chance High (#4.20)" (1990) TV Episode [Actor .... Officer Tom Hanson] "21 Jump Street: La Bizca (#4.19)" (1990) TV Episode [Actor .... Officer Tom Hanson] "21 Jump Street: Awomp-Bomp-Aloobomb, Aloop Bamboom (#4.18)" (1990) TV Episode [Actor .... Officer Tom Hanson] "21 Jump Street: Hi Mom (#4.17)" (1990) TV Episode [Actor .... Officer Tom Hanson] "21 Jump Street: 2245 (#4.16)" (1990) TV Episode [Actor .... Officer Tom Hanson] "21 Jump Street: Back from the Future (#4.15)" (1990) TV Episode [Actor .... Officer Tom Hanson] "21 Jump Street: Research and Destroy (#4.13)" (1990) TV Episode [Actor .... Officer Tom Hanson]"21 Jump Street: Mike's P.O.V. (#4.9)" (1989) TV Episode [Actor .... Officer Tom Hanson] "21 Jump Street: Stand by Your Man (#4.8)" (1989) TV Episode [Actor .... Officer Tom Hanson] "21 Jump Street: Old Haunts in a New Age (#4.6)" (1989) TV Episode [Actor .... Officer Tom Hanson] "21 Jump Street: Eternal Flame (#4.3)" (1989) TV Episode [Actor .... Officer Tom Hanson] "21 Jump Street: Say It Ain't So, Pete (#4.2)" (1989) TV Episode [Actor .... Officer Tom Hanson] "21 Jump Street: Draw the Line (#4.1)" (1989) TV Episode [Actor .... Officer Tom Hanson] "21 Jump Street: Woolly Bullies (#3.11)" (1989) TV Episode [Actor .... Officer Tom Hanson] "21 Jump Street: The Dragon and the Angel (#3.7)" (1989) TV Episode [Actor .... Officer Tom Hanson] "21 Jump Street: Wheels and Deals: Part 2 (#4.10)" (1989) TV Episode [Actor .... Officer Tom Hanson] "21 Jump Street: Hell Week (#3.6)" (1988) TV Episode [Actor .... Officer Tom Hanson] "21 Jump Street: Whose Choice Is It Anyways? (#3.5)" (1988) TV Episode [Actor .... Officer Tom Hanson] "21 Jump Street: Coach of the Year (#3.4)" (1988) TV Episode [Actor .... Officer Tom Hanson] "21 Jump Street: Slippin' Into Darkness (#3.2)" (1988) TV Episode [Actor .... Officer Tom Hanson] "21 Jump Street: Fun with Animals (#3.1)" (1988) TV Episode [Actor .... Officer Tom Hanson] "21 Jump Street" (1987) TV Series [Actor .... Officer Tom Hanson (1987-1989)] "21 Jump Street: Christmas in Saigon (#2.11)" (1987) TV Episode [Actor .... Officer Tom Hanson] "21 Jump Street: Fear and Loathing with Russell Buckins (#2.12)" (1987) TV Episode [Actor .... Officer Tom Hanson] "21 Jump Street: Don't Stretch the Rainbow (#2.7)" (1987) TV Episode [Actor .... Officer Tom Hanson] "21 Jump Street: In the Custody of a Clown (#2.1)" (1987) TV Episode [Actor .... Officer Tom Hanson] "21 Jump Street: Mean Streets and Pastel Houses (#1.13)" (1987) TV Episode [Actor .... Officer Tom Hanson] "21 Jump Street: 16 Blown to 35 (#1.12)" (1987) TV Episode [Actor .... Officer Tom Hanson] "21 Jump Street: Low and Away (#1.11)" (1987) TV Episode [Actor .... Officer Tom Hanson] "21 Jump Street: Next Generation (#1.10)" (1987) TV Episode [Actor .... Officer Tom Hanson] "21 Jump Street: Blindsided (#1.9)" (1987) TV Episode [Actor .... Officer Tom Hanson] "21 Jump Street: Gotta Finish the Riff (#1.7)" (1987) TV Episode [Actor .... Officer Tom Hanson] "21 Jump Street: The Worst Night of Your Life (#1.6)" (1987) TV Episode [Actor .... Officer Tom Hanson] "21 Jump Street: My Future's So Bright, I Gotta Wear Shades (#1.5)" (1987) TV Episode [Actor .... Officer Tom Hanson] "21 Jump Street: Don't Pet the Teacher (#1.4)" (1987) TV Episode [Actor .... Officer Tom Hanson] "21 Jump Street: America, What a Town (#1.3)" (1987) TV Episode [Actor .... Officer Tom Hanson] "21 Jump Street: 21 Jump Street: Part 1 (#1.1)" (1987) TV Episode [Actor .... Officer Tom Hanson] "21 Jump Street: 21 Jump Street: Part 2 (#1.2)" (1987) TV Episode [Actor .... Officer Tom Hanson] "Hotel: Unfinished Business (#4.15)" (1987) TV Episode [Actor .... Rob Cameron] Platoon (1986) [Actor .... Private Gator Lerner] Slow Burn (1986) (TV) [Actor .... Donnie Fleischer] "Lady Blue: Beasts of Prey (#1.4)" (1985) TV Episode [Actor .... Lionel Viland] Private Resort (1985) [Actor .... Jack] A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) [Actor .... Glen Lantz]"Top Secret: Scottland Yard" (????) TV Episode [Actor .... Narrator] "Top Secret: The Mossad" (????) TV Episode [Actor .... Narrator]