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Higher level! New scene!

About Me

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My Interests

Traveling, modelling, music, singing, art. mspobj type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking="all" height="320" width="426"

I'd like to meet:

During my twenty-six years of life I have been to a few places, met a lot of people and done some pretty interesting things. Some know me as a model, some as a friend, many as a student, but my favorite is being known as auntie. I love life! I absorb it all. The good ,the bad, and the ugly because I think we are special. Imagine! That night you were the best sperm in the group and you fought like hell to get here, so enjoy what you fought for.Only cheerful, real, and easy going folks. No fakes allowed to associate, they must find some other reasonable


If your music is any good, it will be, I repeat it will be on my page in the near future. If not well, hard luck work on it.


......Lord of the Rings (love it), Harry Potter,Crash,Pride and Prejudice, Memoirs of a Geisha, The Departed Let's Not Play The Game

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...... trading spaces,hero's,BET comic view, will & grace,history channel, weather ..


love in the time of cholera,pride and prejudice,bible, anything that brings positivity to one's life.Tweet feat. Missy Eliott - Oops (Oh my)

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All women that take care of their kids with out their baby fathers, my mother, sisters, and Jesus Christ.

My Blog

My big brother Richard John Allen

Richie Linen got into music by his sheer persistence and fortitude. Richie is a tall slim guy originally from Trinidad who can belt some ranging notes! His blend of reggae rhythms has been arranged wi...
Posted by MM MM MMM on Wed, 05 Sep 2007 06:26:00 PST

You alone.

You alone can make me whole. You can help me accept ,forgive and forget. Your love is undeserved, unbelieveable and pure. he who created you, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel: Fear not, for I have...
Posted by MM MM MMM on Tue, 28 Aug 2007 08:50:00 PST