cinema, acting, video games, gaming, board games, roleplaying, roleplaying (yeah -- that kind), theatre, electronics, computers
Im looking for people that like playing any sort of games, into certain sporting activities, etc. If I end up finding a nerd-girl, that'd be absolutely perfect. Bored and trying to do my best to fix it, I need people to hang with and run around with.
Babylon 5, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: DS9, Megas XLR, Venture Brothers, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Trigun, Cowboy Bebop, Home Movies, Mission Hill, Sealab 2021, Six Feet Under, Hellsing
Ender's Game, Stanger in a Strange Land, The Art of War, Zen in the art of Archery, The Prince, A Wrinkle in Time
Holly Moyseenko, Chrissa Campbell, Jeremy Smith, Sheree Fulton, Gloria Goubeaud, Ryan Trimble, Mike Berg, Nick Wedig, Sean Wedig, Megan Crandall, Meghan Hahn, Rachel Carbone, Jim Couts