Lawr profile picture


Lookin' for love...

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet people who share my interests and passion for life. People who are unabashed about what they want and know how to speak their minds to get it. If you're interested to chat, just add: [email protected] to your YM.


Anything that's not noisy.


The Justice League, Spiderman Unlimited, Smallville, Nipp


How to Win Friends and Influence People, Jonathan Livingstone Seagull, The Little Prince, The Winner's Edge, Being Happy, 48 Laws of Power, FHM, Maxim, Manual, Uno...

My Blog

Life begins at 31...

I just turned 31 a few days back, had a group celebration last night. It was ok. I'm glad all those who attended went home happy. After 31 years, this is the first time that I feel worried. When I ...
Posted by Lawr on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST