#foOd triPPin'! surfiNg..maLLing..hanging Out with friends n' zucs! bar hoPpin..texting...reading...swimming..cooking...sLeeping...d ancing..si nging...doing some sporty game.. # Favorite Books:
peoPLe wiTh seNsE aNd sEnsiBiLity!=i want sum1 whom i dnt hve 2 b fancy or tok in a sPexaL waY.. wen i dnt hve 2 mind my maNner or wear my best clothes n' shOes! wen i dnt hve 2 pretend im hapi wen im fiLing sad! i wnt sum1 i can cry on.laugh out loud with,i can spik my mind or say nothing at oL,i dnt hve 2 try hard 2 impress pipoL..i want sum1 whoM i can juz be me and appreciates me for that!
r&b, reggae.....! =houSe muSic=
HARRY POTTER 1, 2, 3, 4!, coyote ugly, new poLice sTory, sereNdiPity, the twins effect, MY LITTLE BRIDE, matiLda, a LiTTLe PriNcess, shes all that, lizzie mcguirre d movie, d' Eye, MY SASSIE GIRL, d' iTaLian JoB, Mah BesTFriends WeDs, If onLy, BesT Mom, BabiEs daYouT, iF 2morow MighT never Come(kaLhooNaho), ciTy oF aNgeLs, kaTe and LeopoLd, , WINDSTRUCK! n'a Lot More!
keeping up with the kardashians,iron chef america,america's next top model,amazing race,american idol.. i love velvet network too..
im not into reading...