cErTiFiEd B_I_A_T_C_H and N_A_U_G_H_T_Y....
wE LuV sHoPpIn', gOiN tO pAhTeEs, HaNgIn' OuT wIt fWendS aNd BoY wAtChIn'!!! wE mAkE oThErS LiFe MiSeRabLe!!! gUys DrOoL aNd SwOoN OvEr uS...WeR aLso "FEMINIST" as In "EneMiEs wHo AcTs LiKe FrIEnDs", hahaha...DatS FrOm OuR fAvE mOvIe "mEan GiRLs"!!!
B i a t c h Sexy yet Naughty
. The Biatch .
. sexy . SEXY
. yet . YET
. naughty . NAUGHTY
. mess with one . MESS WITH ONE
. mess with all . MESS WITH ALL
. we . WE
. stick. STICK
. together. TOGETHER
. biatch rules!!! . BIATCH RULES!!!
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
Ya'll sexy yet naughty biatches out der...add us [email protected] our YM too...bitchy_biatch2004.....see ya'll...aiyt!!!