Witchcraft- Numerology- Astrology- Alchemy- Ancient Religion- Kabala- Tarot-Divination- Golden Dawn- Holy Rosy Cross- Holy Ghost- Philosophy- Science- Natal Charts- Pathwork- Scrying- Poetry- Writing- Measurment- Druidtry-Spirituality-Magick-Among Other Things- Josette- LXV-33Spirit plus 4 elementals= all 22 Trumps Count three months ahead of your birth month and you will get the month you were conceived in.Hence three months after birth, thrice born. Using the Spheres you can calculate under what sign and exact month of your conception.(day and a life)EXAMPLE: If your sign is Aquarius you were conceived under the sign of Taurus, (MAY) Venus rules Taurus a fixed earth sign and the sphere=7. Taurus is of the 2nd house the tarot card major is the 5 Hierophant. Major Venus trump 3 Empress,SEE MY BLOG TO LOOK UP YOUR SIGN:THRICE BORN . I made the chart simple. Josette- LXV-331ARIES Mars (Mar. 21- April 20) 2TAURUS Venus (Apr. 21- may 21 3GEMINI Mercury (May 22-June 21) 4CANCER Moon (June 22-July 22) 5LEO Sun..(July 23-Aug 22) 6VIRGO mercury (Aug. 23 -Sept. 23) 7LIBRA Venus (Sept. 24 -Oct. 23) 8SCORPIO Pluto (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22) 9SAGITTARIUS Jupiter (Nov. 23 -Dec. 21) 10CAPRICORN Saturn Dec 22.- Jan. 20) 11AQUARIUS Uranus (Jan. 21.- Feb. 19) 12PISCES Neptune (Feb. 20-Mar. 20) Spheres 1 Degree= 10 Degrees, 2 Degree's= 9 Degree's, 3 Degree's= 8 Degree's, 4 Degree's= 7 Degree's, 5 Degree's= 6 Degree's try this it works, add 4 as a 7 the end result will equal the same numerolical value, just a differnt whole number, but once reduced, will equal the same value. Josette- LXV-33 13 is 1+3+4+5 Spirit plus 4 elementals= all 22 Trumps Name numerology can also reveal the planets in signs and house positions, along with aspects. As do the same in a Natal Chart. Along with life's path # challenge #'s Pinnacle's etc. A little F.F.T from Josette- East Neptune 32 EsBaT Twelve Full Moons In a solar Month Oak-December Wolf-January Storm-February Hare/March, Seed-April Draya-/May Mead-June Herb/July, Barley-August, Harvest-September Hunter's-october Snow-November 13thBlue MOON 2nd full MOON in a solar month New MOON Esbat Last silver of light B4 turning Dark Dark MOON Esbat No light,Magickal workNUMEROLOGY MY LIFE PATH 2-3-1973=25 25=7(2+5=7 Deduce)Prov. x. 25 Path 32 - Path joining Yesod and Malkuth
People I must meet:
All walks of life from various points of the universe. People that have idea's and minds of their own. Not conformed minds, but people who are brave enough to drop everything they were taught by tradition and have gone out to seek their own truth. The laws provided by our culture and society have been voted on, created for power by generations of man. One must dismiss the law and go seek to break it to find out if the law they seek to abide by is worthy.
What is a Book of Shadows, you might well ask.A book of Shadows is a place to record and remember, to mark down rituals and thoughts. It is more than a diary and orthogonal to a Bible.
It is a collection of personal thoughts and meaningful statements, an expression of a state of being. Where a Bible states the path to follow, the Book of Shadows shows the road as it has been.
I must say I believe this way holds more of truth; I will never know where I am going, but I do know where my wanderings have gone.
Frequently it is customarily for some Witches, especially solitaire Witches, to begin their book of shadows when they enter the Craft, and sometimes before their entrance into a coven.
Such books are often thought of as personal notebooks, or diaries. The material in them enables the Witch to grow in the Craft.
The books are kept until the Witch's death.
Some Witches feel that they return to their book of shadows when they are reborn.
Josette- LXV-33
Love is the law Love under Will.
Guidelines to a Magickal Life,
The Charge of the Goddess,
Herbal Correspondences,
Properties of Herbal Blends,
Properties of Gemstones,
Magick Recipes,
A Solitary Samhain,
A Samhain Poem,
Rituals, Spells Magick
and Correspondences.
Numerology Charts.
Tarot Numerology correspondences.
My Journeys.
Records Of all Charts I have doneJosette- East- Moon 16- Sun 7 - Venus 5
Chakras are our energy centers - they are the openings for life energy to flow into and out of our aura. Their function is to vitalize the physical body, to bring about the development of our self-consciousness, and are associated with our physical, mental and emotional interactions. Chakra One: Earth, Physical identity, oriented to self-preservation Located at the base of the spine, this chakra forms our foundation. It represents the element earth, and is therefore related to our survival instincts, and to our sense of grounding and connection to our bodies and the physical plane. Ideally this chakra brings us health, prosperity, security, and dynamic presence. 2. SACRAL (or Navel Chakra) It's color is orange and it is located between the base of your spine and your navel. It represents your sexuality, creativity, emotions of anger, resentment and frustration 3. SOLAR PLEXUS It's color is yellow and is located in the solar plexus area, a few inches above the navel. Personal emotions are carried in this Chakra. Feelings of personal power, anger and hostility. Your sensitivity is stored here. It is the seat of your emotional living 4. HEART It's color is green and it is located within your heart. It is the center of love, harmony and peace. The Asians say that this is the house of the soul as it deals with issues of the soul. It is through this Chakra that we fall in love. We fall in love through our heart Chakra, then that emotion moves to the emotional center, the solar plexus, then to the sexual Chakra for strong feelings of attractions, then to the base, which promotes feelings of wanting to settle down. We don't fall up in love - we fall down!5. THROAT It's color is blue and is located within the throat. It is the Chakra of communication, expression and judgment. Should you experience problems with your throat, it is sometimes said that if you draw the color blue to this area it will help you say what needs to be said 6. THIRD EYE (or Brow Chakra) It's color is Indigo (a combination of red and blue). It is located at the center of your forehead. This Chakra is used to question the spiritual nature of our life. It is the Chakra of question. Our inner vision is contained here, inner dreams gifts of clairvoyance, wisdom and perception. The dreams of our life are held in this Chakra7. CROWN It's color is violet and is located at the top of your head. It is the Chakra of Divine purpose, the Chakra of destiny. It balances the interior and the exterior and brings them into a harmonious whole. This Chakra is said to be your own place of connection to God.
WHAT I DRIVE!My green sour Apple bubble gum tounge!see in my blog
I created a numerology worksheet not only for people to learn beginner numerology, but to also be able to do their own, it's fun, you learn something new, and you learn more about why your here and lay out maybe some path work for yourself. LXV33
ghost's I caught on camera/Virginia city, nvNotes:Not altered, as u can see pic is half black n white, but is a color pic. The balcony on the side of the building shouldn't be there, the two people we're not in the pic when I took this in Virginia city
NV. the man below looks like he is wearing a civil war uniform, his face a skull, the women translucent. I also have a pic of it manifesting, took it b4 this one. you can actully see the woman waving if you blow up the pic just a bit larger.click 2 enlarge photo
*The word occult comes from the Latin occultus (clandestine, hidden, secret), referring to the 'knowledge of the secret' or 'knowledge of the hidden' and often popularly meaning 'knowledge of the supernatural', as opposed to 'knowledge of the visible' or 'knowledge of the measurable', usually referred to as science. The term is sometimes popularly taken to mean 'knowledge meant only for certain people' or 'knowledge that must be kept hidden', but for most practicing occultists it is simply the study of a deeper spiritual "reality" that extends beyond pure reason and the physical sciences. The terms esoteric and arcane can have a very similar meaning, and the three terms are often interchangeable.* *oc·cult (?-kult', ok'ult') adj. *Of, relating to, or dealing with supernatural influences, agencies, or phenomena. Beyond the realm of human comprehension; inscrutable. Available only to the initiate; secret: occult lore. *Hidden from view; concealed.n. **Occult practices or techniques: a student of the occult.*v., -cult·ed, -cult·ing, -cults. (?-kult')*v.tr.*To conceal or cause to disappear from view. Astronomy. To conceal by occultation: The moon occulted Mars.* v.intr. **To become concealed or extinguished at regular intervals: a lighthouse beacon that occults every 45 seconds.**[Latin occultus, secret, past participle of occulere, to cover over.]**occultly oc·cult'ly adv.* occultness oc·cult'ness n.* *Astrology - A science and art that brings guidance and counsel to mankind based on one's birth date.*Entity - A disembodied or preternatural spirit.*Frankincense - A gum resin of trees of the Boswellia family used to invoke the etheric world helpers for guidance and protection.*Gabriel - The planetary archangel in charge of the moon, a genius of mysteries, who has worked psychically through the great masters during their earthly incarnations.*Ghost - A supernatural appearance or image unrecognizable to the viewer.*Hexagram - Two interlaced equilateral triangles, one apex pointing up and one apex pointing down.*Incantation - To sing and chant formulaic words, phrases or sounds to special rhythm and tonation.*Judaism - A religion which holds the belief that every human being has a right to justice, purity, and truth which even the power of kings cannot erase.*Mystic - One who brings new knowledge of spiritual truths ( proven or not) incorporates psychic skills and psychic healings with religion.*Numerology - The study of numbers in regard to a person's character and life plan.*Occult - Pertaining to the supernatural; that which is beyond the range of natural knowledge.*Old Soul - One who has been incarnated innumerable times.*Parapsychology - The scientific study of phenomena that natural laws cannot explain.*Pentagram - The magical diagram consisting of a five pointed star which is a representation of man. Considered by occultists to be the most potent means of conjuring spirits.*Prophet - A human spokesman for an etheric world.*Reincarnation - The belief that each person possesses a soul which is independent of the body and can be reborn into another body.*Ritual - A prescribed event or a particular form or ceremony that is built up by tradition, and with it, a great amount of energy.*Ritual Magic - Proven processes and ceremonies used repeatedly .*Salt - Symbol of the element EARTH because it's a crystalline substance it can receive and hold etheric magnetism better than other substances. Has properties to ward off evil vibrations.*Scrying - To perceive psychic visions on clear, shiny surfaces that relate to the masses or to individual questions, surfaces from clear crystal, clear water, polished mirrors, are effective, Crystal Ball is most commonly used.*Solar Plexus - Believed to be the Soul of man, the center of the body where one feels the emotions of the universe.*Spirit - A collective word, the basic theme is always, "indestructible life".*Spiritualist - One who believes in the communication between this world and the invisible world, and who endeavors to mold his or her character and conduct in accordance with the highest teachings derived from such communion.*Tarot Cards - A pack of cards for the purpose of divination using symbolism contains seventy-eight cards forming a system of communication*White Witch - A witch whose practice in witchcraft is solely for the purpose of good.*Wicca - An ancient witchcraft religion which honor the gods of nature. Wicca means "wise one".*Witch - A woman who practices witchcraft.*Witchcraft - The practice of performing acts with the aid of a spirit.*Psychometry - The ability to acquire knowledge of people, places or object by touching an object associated with it.
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