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Grab your free download of RU!!! SHADOW: The Thirteenth Hour
Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Gothic wall
Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Gothic wall
Member Since: 6/20/2006
Band Members:Shadow
"The thirteenth hour"
on i-tunes!
Influences: Each of us have our own life puzzle. Some have more pieces and others only a few. Its those pieces that when put together create your own picture. - Yours and yours alone - Sometimez the pieces fall into place with ease. Other timez no matter how you try they just dont fit. No one can help you with your puzzle. Its your life choices that determine your final picture. And, if youre patient, you will get the picture. May your life be lived in peace...
Sounds Like: ..............Fresh
Record Label: Phatroach Records
Type of Label: Indie