CURRENT MOON phases of moonThe day that your born you start to die, so I live my life for me and if you find this offensive, please look the other way because I will not change or apologies for this now or ever.You must prove to me that you deserve to know Me because I'm willing to share who I am so ask me anything but be forewarned now I may not answer, but if and when you break the silence just know I may also never keep Quiet again!
Buried at
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Listen Closely, for you may not here the beat of my heart, the whispering song of my Soul that make the Lullaby of my life. Depending on my moods the rhythm of the tune changes but the source of the song will remain the same. I believe that music is a map of our lived lives. It leaves a mark on us in many ways: for the Good, for Bad, and sometimes just to remind us we are not alone! It Invoke our Feelings, keeps a tight hold of our memories, dreams, and hopes and it will never fail to surprise us when we least expect it. There is a rhythm to Life it’s self, when you have learned the beat and find yourself moving to it, you may be surprised of how easy it is to just breath.
Movies are the reflections of someone else Mind. We can see the world as clearly as if it were our own. Some become Our Fantasies, others Our Nightmares; some just reflect our Day-to Day Lives. The movies of my list are just another piece of who I am today because they mirror my emotions, feelings, and thoughts very well. Life for me is just a never ending Movie that makes me wonder who’s watching or writing. The Cast can Change, the Lines Altered, but never can we see the End without starting at the Beginning.
Television is an Open window or Door that let the season’s blow through. Some come in better than other, while some last longer, but most linger within us when they are strong! They can tickle our thinking, flourish our speech, shape our wants, tantalize our feelings and mold our desires. They can have a lasting impression on us even if they are just a passing phase. Just as Popularity Rules the world it should not controls the remote to your lives, so remember that it’s up to us what were meant to hold true, fluff off, or let alter us!
They are the written words of the collected few that have mastered the art of allusion. They can Lure people into worlds and realm to which we strongly want to be apart of, Teach us of skills we need to know to live by, Informs us of places to go and people we want to meet. We can travel the world from one lifetime to another species, from the stars to Coral, the beginning and back again.
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What Elemental are you?
Fire Elemental
You are a Salamander, who are Fire Elementals. You are passionate, fiery, straightforth and are very protective. You can be very stubborn. You go through life having many projects at once, and never finishing any. You are a very loyal friend. You can be very unstable when it comes to emotions.
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What is Your Inner Element?
The Element of Water
The Element of Water is associated with the Signs Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, and it also rules the Fourth, Eighth and Twelfth Houses. The watery words flow with this Element: fluid, flowing, wavering. These terms can easily apply to an individual's emotions, which are exactly the realm in which Water exerts its influence.
Water Signs are emotional, empathetic, receptive and feel things deeply. Alternately calm like the sea or possessing the force of a torrential rain, the emotions brought forth by this Element are plentiful, indeed.
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What power do you have?
You Have the Power of Second Sight
For as long as you can remember you've had a strong sense about things. Perhaps an instinct or intuition, and most of the time, your right on the money. People around you come to you for advice or assistance in times of need, and you are more than happy helping others with their problems.
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What animal sprit are you? Wolf, stallion, rabbit or cat.
WoLf PrIdE!
Your personality is the wolf! You are dark and mysterious, quiet, and a protective friend or partner. You're very inteligent and always put your friends and family first.
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What wolf are you?
You are a Lone Wolf
You don't have a pack. Whether it's because you don't need one or don't fit into one, you make it by on your own almost all the time. You enjoy silence and peace, and walking in wodded trails at night. You have always been like this, and it doesn't bother you. You walk alone with your shadow and the moon. Stillness and self-preservation run thick in your blood.
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