CHAKRA HEALING THE ROOT CHAKRA:(often referred to as the Base chakra) is represented by the color red. As the crown chakra faces upward to absorb energies from above the root faces down to absorb healing energies from the earth. It is associated with the gonads*, kidneys, spinal column and the sense of smell. THE SACRAL CHAKRA: is represented by the color orange. It is associated with the adrenal glands*, the reproductive system and the sense of taste. It can by found just below the naval area. THE SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA: is represented by the color yellow. It is associated with the pancreas, stomach, liver, gall bladder, nervous system and the sense of sight. Located at the solar plexus. THE HEART CHAKRA: balances the energies received from above and below. It is represented by the color green and associated with the thymus, heart, circulatory system and the sense of touch. The heart chakra can be found in line with the heart in the center of the body. THE THROAT CHAKRA: is represented by the color blue, it is often very sensitive in healers and is associated with the thyroid gland, bronchial tubes, vocal chords and lungs. The sense of hearing is also connected to this chakra. As the name suggests it is situated THE THIRD EYE CHAKRA:(sometimes called the brow chakra) is represented by the color indigo. It is associated with the pituitary gland, lower brain and left eye. It is situated just above and between the eyes on the forehead. THE CROWN CHAKRA:is symbolized by a thousand petals lotus. It is represented by the color violet. Associated with the pineal gland, upper brain and right eye. It is situated above the top of the head and unlike the other chakras it faces upwards to receive energies from above.
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