34 profile picture


The Custom Edit

About Me

Basic Info:


If you want this design on a shirt, let me know... I'll get it printed once enough people want it.


In dreams and visions lie the greatest creations of man, for on them rests no yoke of line or hue.H.P. Lovecraft & R.H. Barlow, Night Ocean, The

My Interests

I might be a chess piece... But I'm not made of glass

Areas I explore include audio generation & visual generation. I am careful to be sure and infuse what I design with a self reliance that possesses luster. A wholly seperate life that operates independently, and with success. I'm currently engaged in experimenting with whole new levels of "depth" in both audio and imagery... Anything worth doing is worth doing adeptly and thoroughly deep. I like things to be complicated. I'll soon have 3D work available for viewing. My primary focus right now is my current engagement in audio experimentation. You can preview my work by clicking on the buttons below:

I'd like to meet:

AIM- Angryskies747

- _ - Visionaries & Wizards, Those who desire to shape the future, because they know that they can.

- _ - Scientists, artists and magicians, the human minds that want to explore this universe, to the Nth degree.

- _ - Those with interests in Electronics, Physics & Engineering.





Ahead of his time in challenging conventional belief.

My Blog

Information about myself

Examining my profile, I realize that I've thoroughly removed much human like qualities that are typical of most myspace personal profiles. This is appropriate, although not originally my intent.Firstl...
Posted by 34 on Sat, 07 Apr 2007 10:01:00 PST

To those of you having trouble sleeping...

experiencing something keeping you from sleeping? logging onto myspace because you are tired of not being able to sleep?well read about it and educate yourself, thats the only way to solve a problem i...
Posted by 34 on Mon, 27 Nov 2006 06:09:00 PST

The Bored At work blog...

I've decided to make a blog for people bored at work... And find ways to waste your time! As that is what myspace is all about right?VARIOUS LINKS:Online Nintendo game emulation - http://andre.facadec...
Posted by 34 on Tue, 31 Oct 2006 05:04:00 PST

The Information Society.

Posted by 34 on Mon, 18 Sep 2006 11:58:00 PST

The Non Linear Thought Process

From Nonlinearthinking.com I found this a very interesting read. It proposes the uses of Non linear thought processes (NLT), also known as lateral thought processes. to read more on lateral thought, ...
Posted by 34 on Tue, 05 Sep 2006 06:03:00 PST


Posted by 34 on Fri, 14 Jul 2006 01:42:00 PST

15,000 bottle rockets video...

.. width="425" height="350">..>...
Posted by 34 on Mon, 03 Jul 2006 02:32:00 PST

Your Favorite Qubit!

Your Favorite Qubit! Nuclear Spin Electron Spin Photon Polarization Two-Level Atom Nonabelian AnyonView ResultsFree Myspace Polls...
Posted by 34 on Fri, 26 May 2006 06:45:00 PST

Webcomics I like...

Gone With The BlastwavePost-NukeToo Much Coffee Man...
Posted by 34 on Fri, 24 Mar 2006 12:29:00 PST

General nonsense about me...

If I were a month, I'd be early November. If I were a day in a week, I'd be friday. If I were a time, I'd be 4:44 pm If I were a planet, I'd be Vulcan (although if allowed, prefferably the Sun...) If ...
Posted by 34 on Sun, 05 Mar 2006 02:12:00 PST