About Me
Global Defense Group has moved from MySpace to our own domain.
The new site can be found here:
Global Defense Group Mission Statement
Global Defense Group (GDG) is dedicated to engaging our enemies, both foreign and domestic, and putting an end to the cultures of jihad and Islamofascism.
GDG is committed to the principles of western democracy, personal freedom and the responsibilities that accompany them.
Through a program of research, information dissemination, grassroots activism, community and media outreach, it is our intent to provide the global community with the resources, information and context required to counter media bias, anti-western propaganda, and political apathy.
Only through knowledge and individual committment can we overcome the forces that seek our destruction. To that end, Global Defense Group will harness the power of the Internet to expose and counter the enemies of freedom.
Who We Are
Global Defense Group is men and women from all walks of life, all religions and many nationalities.
Our membership is comprised of armed forces personnel, law enforcement personnel, members of the intelligence community, members of the media and citizens who are devoted to Democracy, freedom, the rule of law and personal responsibility.
We come from different backgrounds but we share a Judeo-Christian ethic, and we reject any faith, creed or institution that imposes or promotes it's precepts through terror, intimidation or force.
A war is being waged upon Western civilization. This war was a reality long before September 11, 2001, and our enemy is not just a terror group, but the ideology that inspires terrorism. This ideology takes many forms and faces, but it's true nature remains consistent in it's disregard for life, liberty and the rule of law.
This war is being waged on many fronts, and we recognize the need to counter our enemy on every front. The war cannot be won on the battlefield alone, so it must also be waged in the media, on the Internet, in the town square and in the ballot box.
Global Defense Group stands ready to confront propaganda, to raise public awareness, to demand media and political accountability and to undermine our enemy's message of hate.
If you share this view, we invite you to visit www.GlobalDefenseGroup.com and become a member.
How It Works
Global Defense Group is a new kind of resource, but it is loosely based on existing resources like Wikipedia.
For quality control purposes, not everyone will be able to submit content to the site's databases and news topics. Membership has been separated into levels, and each level has different access to the site.
* Visitor - A visitor is able to view much of the content at GDG, but certain features are not available without registration. Visitors cannot post comments on articles, submit content or access the forums and chat room.
* Member - A registered member of GDG is able to view most of the content on the site, and comment on each item, or in the forums, but members cannot post new content to the databases or blogs. Registered members will get the GDG newsletter (you may unsubscribe at any time), have access to the chat room, and have the ability to view and add images to the image archive.
* Author - This is the "meat and potatoes" of GDG. Authors are members who have been recruited, or have contacted us about submitting content to databases, blogs, video archive or other areas of the site. Authors are selected based on their skills and experience, as they relate to the "war on terror". Authors are also selected based on their ability to communicate rationally and articulately.
* Editors/ Publishers - Authors who have shown an ability to master the site's interface (it's quite simple), and have demonstrated an understanding of the topics that are relevant to this community, will be given Editor / Publisher access to the site. Editors and Publishers are able to post news directly to the site's databases, video archives, blogs and news categories.
* Moderators - Moderators will have the authority to eliminate inappropriate topics from the forums, and when necessary, ban users for inappropriate behavior. Moderators will also act to keep subjects on-topic, direct members to related resources and answer site-related questions from Members and Authors.
* Administrators - Administrators have access to the site's back-end, and will be selected largely on a proven ability to use the content management system (CMS) that this site uses. If you have experience with Mambo or Joomla, and you would be interested in helping with this site, please contact us.
For more information, please see the " Authors and Contributors " section.
Global Defense Group is a user-driven resource, and it's value will be directly proportionate to the participation of it's members. With a large, active community, devoted to defending freedom, Democracy and the Judeo-Christian ethic, GDG can be a useful tool against our enemies.
While the military plays a tremendously important part in this conflict, they cannot win the war alone. The military answers to the Commander in Chief, The Senate, Congress and The Supreme Court. These bodies, in turn, answer to the will of the American people.
In addition to posting news and educational resources, GDG seeks to effect political change through a program of grassroots activism and individual involvement. Members will be encouraged to organize mass-mailing campaigns, media campaigns, counter-demonstrations, and rallies. We intend to remind our politicians that they still work for the people who elected them.
For too long, we have been idle while the world is manipulated by biased media reports, outright lies and malicious propaganda. GDG aims to counter propaganda with truth, and to that end, we will produce our own "counter-propaganda" podcasts, videos, graphics and political satires. Those with experience in video editing, sound editing, Flash animation, graphic arts, political satire, Internet broadcasting and other media related fields are encouraged to contact us.
If you have an interest in becoming a contributor, and you have any relevant skills or experience, we would be happy to hear from you .
And we hope you will help to spread the word about Global Defense Group.