My WIFE and 3 Sons, Sports- especially baseball, hockey, golf, football, basketball..., Reading, Video Games, money, learning, watching tv, movies, surfing the internet, going to the beach, eating good food, oooh I almost forgot Beer, music, Wow- I have alot of interests. Life is good.
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Linkin Park and just about anything hard.
Back to the Future, The Godfather, Gladiator, Braveheart, The Matrix, Boiler Room, Goodfellas, Blackhawk Down, Starwars.
American Idol, Heroes, Drive, Sportscenter
1984- George Orwell, Battlefield Earth- L. Ron Hubbard, right now reading "The Audacity of Hope"- Barack Obama
Don Mattingly
Derek Jeter
The American Soldier
Michael Jordan
Ronald Reagan
My brother Lance
For as long as could remember, I always wanted to be a gangster.