Visit our myspace to hear a song off the new album!
Sometimes communicating is awkward and unnecessary.
Hello, I'm Rochelle. I'm a junior at South.I'm really into colors. I love a picture that makes you think, and a song that makes you feel. I guess in my world, visual art is connected with my brain, and music to my heart. Art is life, and music is love. I love to sing. I play some instruments, but not very well, and not very often. But music is deffinately important to me. It's magical.
I can be a perfectionist when I'm passionate about something. Which happens a lot. I spend way too much time and energy on projects I do. Especially photography and coffee shop. Oh, yes, coffee shop at south takes up most of my life. But it's okay, I love it. It's exciting, and everyone who works there is super and I love them all.
My friends are beautiful and smart and fun. We are out of the ordinary, it's pretty great. And I have this amazing boyfriend who makes the world better. He's superbly talented and creative and reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally cute...(especially when he dances :]).
So, life is on the up slant. All except for school is starting soon. And I don't have my license yet. But, whatever, weather changes. This year is going to be extreme.