I try to use music programs (It's freakin hard for noobs like me. Any pointers?), XBox, Playstation 2 & PSP, hangin out with Candyce and my friends, COMPUTERS!, promoting new bands/record companies, playin guitar & bass, working, MUSIC!!!, and everything in between.All your myspace are belong to me!!!
Bands and people who want to make a difference in the world, be it promoting a cause or just global rock domination! This means all bands, promoters, bookers, advertisers, producers, street team organizers, and just about anyone passionate about music! Let me know something!==================================================
NOFX and any other punk band, big and small. Oh yea, I'd also like to meet you, if your nice and you don't lie a lot.
NOFX, Bracket, Anti-Flag, The Casualties, Rancid, Big D, Against Me!, Social Distortion, Suburban Legends, Patent Pending, The Break, Valient Thorr, Van Stone, Brain Failure, Foo Fighters, Frank Sinatra, Gallows, Ramones, Offspring, Kiss Kiss, Nirvana, Mad Caddies, Motion City Soundtrack, Operation Ivy, Rx Bandits, KOS, P.O.S., Sage Francis, Optimus Rhyme, River Fenix, Refused, The Letters Organize, She Wants Revenge, The Blow, Wolfmother, Interpol, Johnny Cash, Bob Marley, Only Crime, and too many others!!!!!!
Cake Boy, Decline of Western Civilization, The Casualties : Can't Stop Us, NOFX : 10 Years of F*ckin' Up, Harold & Kumar Go To White Castle, Half-Baked, Happy Gilmor, Billy Madison, Anchorman, Dodgeball, American Pie, Lord of The Rings Trilogy, Star Wars, Rambo, Terminator, Detroit Rock City, and many more.
Wildboyz, Jackass, Conan, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Dethlock Metalapocalypse, Futurama, Family Guy, Simpsons, Scrubs, Mind Of Mencia, Music Videos, How It's Made, and other shows no one cares about.I LOVE YOU TIVO!
Why Do Men Have Nipples?, Tarzan, Worst Case Scenarios, Darwin Awards, Suggestion, The Bathroom Reader's Book, Everything You Need To Know About The Music Industry, AMP Magazine, Some other magazines, and anything else that looks funny or weird.
NOFX, Kevin Lyman, James Cho, John from Angry Amputees, Brett Gurewitz, my dad, Chris Pontius & Steve-O, Fat Mike, Frank Black, Johnny Cash, Joey Ramone, Ronnie Milsap, Mike Ness, The Beatles, & all the great bands that paved the way for music today.